
I’m Mary–a coffee lover, writer, health coach and Jesus follower.

Pull up a chair, bring your coffee, and join the conversation!

I empower women to walk toward brave faith one step at a time. I accomplish this through writing and walking alongside women through my health coaching. Martin Luther King taught, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Thirty years as an elementary school teacher and a mom of two adult sons taught me that taking the first step is always the hardest. Only with God’s grace that we find the pathway to Him and His provision.

Christian Health Coaching is Here!

Health and wellness have always been part of my story. Taking care of the one good body God gave me has looked different over the years, but it has always lingered in the deepest part of my heart.

I am privileged to announce that Wholly Yours, LLC is now open for Christian health coaching. It is where women unite and walk alongside myself and our Creator to become whole in body, mind, and spirit. Follow the journey and learn more by clicking HERE.


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