You know that moment that makes your day?

… that moment that changes your grumpiness into happiness?

… that moment that shifts your attitude from one side to the other?

For me, all it took was a wink and a nod!

Big, brown expressive eyes peered at me through the glances of the other children from across the classroom and in one second, a smile graced my face because this child blessed me with a wink and a nod. All I asked was a simple question that required a “yes or no”.  With his face lit up with anticipation, his response was a wink and a nod – short, sweet, and a complete day-changer!

The life of a teacher is a roller coaster most days…

ups and downs due to the emotions of the students

sharp curves caused by one lesson that went perfectly or perhaps, spiraled out of control

and steep inclines or unexpected stomach flip flops as you plummet downward, indicating an “aha” instant of understanding or a slow, uphill “I’m not quite there yet” understanding.

Days soar with exhilaration or sink into an unknown territory and all it takes is for one day changing moment to make the shift. Life is also like a roller coaster with highs, lows, joy, sadness, understanding, uncertainty, in the zone or uncomfortable and the list goes on. All we need is our game- changing, day – changing minute to change our perspective –  to turn our day around.

We get so caught up and consumed by things of this world that we miss the quick moments that God provides throughout our day that are meant to bless us and remind us that life is truly good. We are asked to set aside these day to day struggles and give them to God because He will show us how to stay on an even path rather than the roller coaster that can spin us out of control.

 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

We spend so much time analyzing and focusing on details in our life which in reality are not part of God’s ultimate plan. We miss the “wink and a nod” moments because we let life overwhelm us with the daily routines and true contentment is beyond our reach.

God’s answer to us is let it go! God reassures us that He is here to give us all we need – He says “just let me love you”. Through Paul, we learn that with God’s strength, we can do all things and that is where our contentment lies.

12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13


Don’t miss a moment in your day! Let go of the daily monotony and look for the God – ordained quick glimpses into what is truly important.  Focus your day on God and watch your contentment soar as you align yourself with the possibilities that God surprises you with each day. 

All it takes is a “wink and a nod”! What are some of your “wink and nod” moments? How have these quick day-changers provided the mind shift you needed?

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