I imagine the path to the cross over 2000 years ago. The path of sacrifice, redemption and glory.

The footsteps stirring up the dusty road,

the sun’s glare casting a shadow of a cross across the path,

beads of sweat dropping like pearls as dust scatters with every drop,

silence except for the gulps of air being sucked in and the taunts and berating of the soldiers urging the man on,

the spectators watching intently as the burden of the cross causes the man to stumble-the weight of the cross pushing Him toward the ground,

a man named Simon – summoned to pick up the cross and carry it for the man.

dirt pathway w:words

Each step, each visual are a necessary piece of this story. This is Jesus’ story played out so our own stories could begin. This is the path to resurrection ~ this is Easter!

The path led to Calvary Hill and there in a moment of extreme pain, sacrifice and in the end- death, new life began.

Click above to continue the story at The Weekend Brew.

Easter blessings to all!


Read another beautiful Easter post at lishaepperson.com – Give Me Grace




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