Being blindly brave sounds like an oxymoron. How can you step out confidently if you cannot see where you are going?

The beauty is that God calls us to step out all the time into the unknown because He is teaching us what brave faith looks like.

The journey I am currently on is one that is preparing my heart to step out bravely for God. But as I desire to be bold for God, I am seeking, but not finding. I am left with many questions, but no answers.

Brave requires perseverance in the face of questions and in the times of stillness, to allow the answers to find us. Stepping out for God is what we are called to do even when it looks like we do not know where we are going. It means we are letting God do His brave work in us as preparation for the bold steps that will surely come.

blindly brave

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Today I am honored to join Jen Daugherty as our brave journeys combine for our 31 days series. Click here to read the rest of this post.

Glad you are here and are joining me on this journey. Click the button below to catch up on all the 31 days journey to brave faith posts.

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