There are many people who choose a word for the year as a way to focus and center their growth. I joined the practice of choosing a word for the year in 2015 and have remained fairly consistent in this practice. Last year’s word was “light” and as I evaluated choosing a word for this year I believed I should give up the practice. I did not use the word “light” as I believed God intended until He reminded me of some specific examples of where I shined His light for others.

This year I am boarding the freedom train. When God drops a word in your lap, it is worth examining if this is THE word. I volleyed the word “freedom” back and forth for a week and then openly prayed to God for confirmation. God does answer our prayers.

Before you believe that boarding the freedom train refers to just freedom from persecution or freedom of choice, I know there is so much more.

What is Freedom?

Wikipedia defines freedom like this: Freedom is understood as either having the ability to act or change without constraint or to possess the power and resources to fulfill one’s purposes unhindered.”

I agree with this definition of freedom because it points to finding the resources to fulfill one’s purpose. It is so much more than where our limited knowledge of freedom may take us.

Freedom takes on the persona of the American flag, a specific number on the scale, living in a certain neighborhood, or achieving a certain level in your job at work. Those are tangible signs of freedom.

But what if freedom is more intrinsic? How do we identify that we possess freedom when it comes from the inside out?

Freedom looks different for each of us. If we are seeking freedom, the path we each take to achieve the goal may look very different too.

We may all board the freedom train at the same stop but then diverge as the train takes us to separate destinations.

I am believing that when achieving freedom, we need to look inside at what motivates and influences our choices. If we are looking for the resources to fulfill our purposes, then beginning with who we are and Whose we are feels like a good beginning.

As a believer, boarding the freedom train remains at a standstill unless I invite God to join me. He is the love of my life and the compass by which I journey through life.

How Does God Fit into Your Journey to Freedom

One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple (Psalm 27:4, NIV).

For it is from God, with God, and for His glory, that I am able to make the journey to freedom. He alone is the conductor of my heart. Boarding the Freedom Train – My One Word for 2023 Share on X

When we invite God to join us on our journey to freedom, we will discover that …

Freedom looks like seeking God’s truth.

Freedom is turning to the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance when making choices.

Going first when boarding the freedom train is a beautiful choice that will grow the legacy you are leaving for your children.

Allowing God to work from the inside out increases your freedom exponentially because you are trusting God to lead rather than submitting to outside influences.

I know that as the year progresses and I turn to my one word to center me I will find myself stumbling often. Maybe you feel the same way as a fellow “one-worder”! I do know that every time we stray we have God willing to draw us back to Him. That is a truth that never changes.

In the process of God leading me to the word “freedom” for 2023, He also showed me this verse from Isaiah.

Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength (Isaiah 30:15, NLT).

Let’s rest in the promise that each time we return to God, He will provide us with the strength to carry on.

Empowering women to leave a legacy that is God-honoring and soul-filling!

Join me HERE for another post that digs into the gift that freedom is and the sacrifice Jesus made for our freedom.

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash




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