Do you ever wonder what it would be like to receive God’s inheritance? Is it even attainable? What do you and I need to do to be counted as one of the many written in God’s heavenly will?
I’m of the age where words like inheritance, legacy, living well and how much longer do I have, creep into my everyday thoughts.
There is more of my past stretched out behind me than the future waiting in front of me.
If I dwell on the truth of the statement above for too long, I find I’m willing myself to catch my breath.
I can terrify myself with the truth or trust that God already has my story figured out.
Paul tells the people of Colossae that the Father has qualified them to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light (Col. 1:12).
As a child of God, we are on track to receive God’s inheritance.
What Does God’s Inheritance Include?
Years before Jesus was born and the Israelites were wandering in the desert, God made a promise to His people. He would free them from slavery in Egypt and take them to the Promised Land.
Just when the Promised Land was in sight, Moses, their leader died. Even though Moses would never enter the Promised Land, God kept His word to His people.
In Deuteronomy 32, Moses proclaims His final words. He reminds them of God’s goodness and faithfulness and continues with these words:
When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of sons of Israel. For the Lord’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance (Deut. 32:8-9, NIV).
We are descendants of Jacob. We are part of God’s family. Two thousand years ago, inheritance looked like a plot of land. When the Israelites made it to the Promised Land with Joshua as their leader, each of the tribes of Jacob was given some land.
God made a covenant with His people and followed through with the promise.
But what is God giving us today as our inheritance? He’s not in the business of handing out plots of land, is He?
We find the answer in Ephesians 1:5-6 when Jesus “predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.”
We are secure in God's inheritance as His children because we are chosen, redeemed, restored, and part of God's heavenly will. Five Ways to Receive God's Inheritance Share on XWe are:
Sons/daughters of God
Our “Yes” to God

Saying “yes” to God’s invitation to follow Him is the first step in knowing Him as we step into kingdom living.
Our “yes” secures a place in God’s family. The ability to open our hearts to God allows for the gifts of love, peace, grace, strength, patience, and endurance to enter.
These gifts are our inheritance.
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Col. 1:13-14, NIV).
God knows us so well. He rescues us from darkness and loves us without end. What a gift!
Colossians 1 provides a framework to ensure our Godly inheritance. Let’s look deeper into how Paul leads and exhorts the people of Colossae.
Paul begins by sharing that he is praying continually for the people of Colossae. His desire is for the wisdom and understanding of the Spirit to fill them.
Five Ways to Grow God’s Inheritance
1. Let’s live a worthy and pleasing life.
In vs. 10, Paul speaks to the people about the gift of wisdom and understanding. The byproduct or abundance of these gifts from God is living a life worthy and pleasing to Him. Stepping into the light of God keeps us on the path of His will for our lives.
2. Let’s bear God’s fruit so others may know Him.
When we live a life for God and from God, He produces abundant life in us. Our next step is to share this fruitfulness with others. This measure of faithfulness leads to bearing fruit in every good work. vs. 10
3. Let’s grow in our knowledge of God through His Word and teaching.
We are living out God’s inheritance here on earth. Our capacity and willingness to make Him known grows God’s kingdom–the kingdom where God makes a place for you and me.
4. Let’s grow in strength with God’s power according to His glorious might. vs. 11
My desire is to live a life for God. I pray you desire the same. I know that growing God’s inheritance is an honor. So I ask, why wouldn’t we live in a way that displays God’s glory?
5. Let’s give thanks to the Father who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of His holy people. vs. 12
Gratitude leads to a perspective change every time I engage in the practice. God chose you and me and at the instant we said “yes” to Him He declared us qualified, worthy, loved, and exactly what He made us to be. Let’s give thanks for being kingdom dwellers and inheritance gatherers.
Equipping and empowering women to live life well!

***Looking for another offering about inheritance. Click HERE.
I want my yes to God to mirror his resounding YES that comes to me in the gospel! So grateful!
His arms are open, His inheritance only requires a heart-felt yes. Thank You, Jesus, for Your love and Your awesome sacrifice.
Thank you, Mary, for the encouraging reminder of our Promise Keeper who never breaks His covenant and promises. I’m so grateful He so willingly and even pleasures to give us His unfailing love and glorious grace. Love and blessings to you!
“Inheritance gatherers”…. I like that! The bible shows us exactly how to receive our inheritance. Thanks for gathering all these truths here, Mary. May we say “yes” everyday to all that God wants for us and of us.