Life is busy. Schedules dictate our day and are packed tightly from morning until night. But is this all we strive for in life? Is it possible there is more? Danise Jurado, in her new book, Fulfilled Learning to Live the Life God Promised, shares her own personal stories as well as practical applications to living a fulfilled life. Her words coupled with God’s truths lead us to a hope that living fulfilled is attainable.

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As I began reading Danise’s book, I was drawn in by her own personal journey and struggles. Her vulnerability touched a deep place within me and opened my heart to what I need to learn in my own life. Danise shares that “God has so much more for us than a mediocre, unfulfilled life.” She walks us through the steps of forgiveness and confession and reminds us of the power in being able to forgive ourselves. This is just the beginning of the book and the more I read, the more I knew that God knew I needed to read these words.

My own life story is not the same as Danise’s, but I found the connections to be strong and her words to be the practical application that I need for this time in my life. I have shared before that I struggle with food and making it more of an idol than something I need in order to live. I wrote about some of my struggles in A Closet Eater’s Diet and I still face many hard days setting myself free from worshiping food instead of God. Danise writes of her own food addiction in Chapter 5 and instead of just sharing this story, she also outlines 7 Principles of Lasting Change. It was at this moment in my reading, that I knew this book was God-ordained. God always knows what we need just when we need it and He shows up BIG to remind us He is walking this journey with us. The 7 principles are:


I am grateful that Fulfilled doesn’t end after these principles of change because the words continued to hit home throughout the rest of the book. Denise goes on to write about identity and how God sees us versus how we see ourselves. I am going through a season of change right now and as I read about identity these words popped out:

The problem with perspective is that life is made up of many seasons. Seasons change – they come and go. With each new season of our lives, the things we do can change also. Sometimes, these changes can make us feel more valuable or less valuable as people based on what we are doing. Our value as people was never meant to be found in titles or positions or what we do but rather in who God says we are.

These wise words affirm that God has me where He wants me right now by staying true to who He is calling me to be.

Danise’s words bless me with strength, grace and God’s deep love for me as I turn to Him over and over to learn and live fulfilled. The reminder throughout the book that God will heal our pain, give us hope in our desperation, love us through the messy and be our rock of strength in all things, left me renewed in my own faith. This book will reach you right where you are today and will give you practical steps as well as God’s truth to overcome.

Fulfilled Danise Jurado

God’s definition of a full life is so much more substantial than our limited perspectives would allow us to see. Thankfully, we don’t have to try and figure it all out on our own. God is with us, and He teaches us to live the life He promised.

Join me in celebrating the launch of Fulfilled tomorrow, August 25, by ordering your own copy here and/or enter below for a chance to win your own copy of the book along with a Fulfilled tote bag.

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danise jarudoDanise Jurado has served as a pastoral counselor at Angelus Temple and The Dream Center in Los Angeles, California under the leadership of Pastors Matthew and Caroline Barnett since 2001. She is also the Director of The Dream Center Transitions Program. Danise is a gifted speaker and teacher; sharing at churches, conferences and faithfully teaching a weekly women’s Bible study at The Dream Center.

She is passionate about encouraging and equipping people to reach their most fulfilled life in Christ. Throughout 15 years of ministry, she has cultivated the tools in her book, “Fulfilled – Learning to Live the Life God Promised” and they have proven to be powerful, bringing freedom to many. Danise lives in Santa Clarita, California with her husband of 28 years, Kurt Jurado. They have two beautiful adult children, Nic and Katie, a favorite son-in-law, Jonathan, an amazing grandson, Wesley and another grandbaby on the way.

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In grace and peace,


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