Summertime has always stretched before me and beckoned me to all that lay ahead. This summer is no different except that the usual end to summer that happens in August will not happen this year. In June, I retired from teaching elementary age children after 30 years. Summer not only calls to me to explore possibilities but whispers of promises yet to come.
God speaks through the moments of our days and shares Himself through the beauty of the season. He also shares promises in His Word as we dig into the scriptures. God first laid the promise of rest on my heart as I learn a new rhythm in my life. No longer is summer full of trying to do as many things as possible before it is time to go back and get my classroom ready. Summer now looks the endless expanse of the ocean across the horizon. New rhythms need to be established and learning God’s promises in my own life is one of those ways that I can take the next steps that He has established for me.
I would love to have you join this journey with me and by clicking here, you can catch up on all of the promises of God that I explore here in my writing.
P.S. There are over 7,000 promises in the Bible and I will not be writing about all of them. 🙂