It’s Monday already??? Come on in – the door’s wide open – bring your coffee and sit for awhile. Soak in some encouragement for your soul to prepare you for the new week.
Have you ever experienced unadulterated joy? Have you ever witnessed this joy when observing someone else? I have experienced them both and most recently it was as I was driving my car to run some errands. This particular route took me past a Little Caesar’s Pizza place and what I saw brought the biggest smile to my face.
Imagine an employee of Little Caesar’s standing outside the store on the sidewalk holding a sign advertising $5 pizza. However, that was not all- the sign was in the shape of a guitar and he was rocking out with the intention of drawing customers into the store. Pure joy shone on his face and the absolute abandon of his actions brought joy to my day as well. I have passed him several times since then and he continues to exude joy. I am so blessed by his example of joy and started thinking of the example that I model in my own life. I can definitely learn from the Little Caesar Pizza guy! I have moments when I feel joy and share joy with others but I want to experience the “pizza guy” kind of joy.
We need to be intentional in creating joyful moments and God will orchestrate the “joy” moments if we let Him. Turn to God and trust with abandon-allow the truth of God’s Word to wash over you and fill you. God’s grace and love are never ending!
3 The Lord has done great things for us,and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3
Are you ready for some joy today? Will you allow the joy of others to overtake you and will you pay it forward?
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Thank you for stopping by today! I hope you were encouraged and I welcome your feedback.
This is the second week for Move Over Mondays!!! Click here to read the first one if you missed it.