Life’s rhythms flow in and out. They dance around in slow motion and elusively beckon you to join them. The swirling, circular motion is mesmerizing and you are drawn into the middle knowing that slow and steady is the answer but is not always reality. You catch your breath and follow the rhythm much like preparing to jump into the middle of a jump rope game on the playground.

How do we catch the rhythms of life? When life is chaotic how do we embrace the slow down that we so desperately crave?

Last week, Barbie spoke about de-cluttering and getting back to simple here at The Weekend Brew. Her words simply called us to clear the clutter and get back to the basics. I find this to be a truth I need to examine and act on in my own life. For me, it looks like developing a daily rhythm that focuses on God, health, family and friends.

lifes rhythms

It is in the rhythms of life that we find God. The consistent focus causes a flow that leads you through each day. God’s Hand directs you in the dance of slowing down.

[Tweet “In the rhythms of life we find God and He leads us in the dance of slowing down.”]

In digging deeper, I have found there are four W’s that summarize my direction and where I need to focus. Please follow me to The Weekend Brew to read the rest.

In grace and peace,





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