Living your best life paves the way for your kids, grandkids, and others. Walking in love, kindness, and humility leaves an imprint on those around you to do the same.

What does this look like? How will our efforts create a legacy? Will anyone even care?

I’m exploring what it looks like to work toward living wholly and holy.

It’s only taken 60 years to learn that freedom is from God.

It’s only in the last twenty years I have learned where my identity comes from. God intimately knows me and shows me daily that I belong to Him.

Legalism ruled my life for so long due to how my parents raised me. In their defense, they were raised the same way. I now stand on the foundation of their early childhood choices.

I needed God’s firm foundation and my parents provided it.

Living your best life is not just the choices made for you in your growing-up years, but the ones you choose to make as you learn about the goodness of God.

As you continue to learn and grow as God’s child, your choices influence who you are and those around you.

How Do Your Choices Influence Your Best Life?

I would like to believe I always have my best interests in mind when selecting the next right thing for my life.

Cue a face-palm emoji!! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Just like you, my imperfect humanness blocks my vision and clarity more often than I would like to admit.

When it comes to living my best life, I am easily swayed by the flashy ways the world gift-wraps opportunities.

Instead of choosing peace, I may reach for busyness.

Instead of starting my day in quiet stillness with my Father, I may choose to tackle my to-do list immediately.

Or, my choices may look like not taking good care of the one body God created for me.

Can you relate to any of these?

God calls us to choose Him first: His truth, His love, His grace.

Jesus tells us, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6, NIV).

When we turn to Jesus first before taking our next step, we have full access to the Father, who in turn guides us with His truth.

Just think, your next move may look very different because you acted upon faith and not impulse.

Your Best Life is a Gift

I just spent a week with my family in the mountains of Tennessee. We gathered in a beautiful cabin, all eight of us. Each morning, the grandkids followed me with their eyes or their whole selves when I emerged from my bedroom.

It reminded me again of how the next generation is watching. My grandbabies see me, the whole person, and observe my actions, words, and depth of love.

The next generation is watching. The responsibility is weighty. But then I ask myself "Why wouldn't I want to help lead the next generation straight into the arms of truth and love?" Living Your Best Life Share on X

Living your best life creates a path for those watching and listening to do the same.

Embracing the art of going first has the power to break generational ties and steer your people in a new direction.

Your brave step is needed. Your sacrifice is noticed. The next generation is watching.

Living your best life is a gift for you and those who see you taking the next step.

In Psalm 78, God established a testimony in Jacob and a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach their children.

It continues with,

“that the next generation might know them,

the children yet unborn,

and arise and tell them to their children,

so that they should set their hope in God

and not forget the works of God,

but keep his commandments” (Psalm 78:6-7, ESV).

This is what living your best life is all about. Future generations need you and will benefit from your willingness to go first.

What does this look like in your life?

Equipping and empowering women to live life well!




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