2016 has come and gone! The lights dimmed on a year that felt like a roller coaster ride. Ups, downs, sharp turns and coasting into home led the way and left me slightly unsteady on my feet. In some ways, I begin 2017 with the reverberations of the aftershocks from last year. But aftershocks or not, I am determined to move forward knowing that in looking back I will make room to move forward.

My year of ups and downs included hardship, heartache, happiness and hope, but that is not the end but only the beginning. God says,

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

I take time to intentionally explore each peak and valley from the previous year and discover the lessons left along the way. The time spent looking back provides glimpses into the future – the journey God calls me to join as the new year unfolds.

[Tweet “God’s lessons appear as reflections of His faithfulness in the peaks and valleys of life. “]

I began my year examining where I was to gain a sense of the new thing God has in store for me. God is good to share the lessons I need to carry forward. They appear as reflections of His faithfulness in the peaks and valleys. The reflection shines the light of the One who is hope and steadfast throughout the highs and lows. God is quick to point the way to His promises and His gift of truth. He reminds me His strength pulled me forward more times than I can count. God’s love was a beacon that highlighted His faithfulness, grace and provision.

2017 begins focusing forward, carrying the lessons needed to allow my story to continue. It is taking the best and the worst of life and giving it to God to shape, reform and make new. It is casting off what is not needed because God is the Author of my story. He is ready to reveal the next chapter. This is the promise that I grab and believe from the very depth of my being.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

[Tweet “Cast off the useless. God is the Author of our story&is ready to reveal the next chapter.”]

God’s reflections of 2016 continue to point me back to Him in everything. His deep love prompts me to turn to Him and in the process He shows me these lessons:

God’s faithfulness met me in every valley and on every hillside.

The blessing of provision filled me to overflowing when darkness overwhelmed, joy exploded and uncertainty clouded my vision.

God’s grace washed over my weaknesses and insufficiencies and refreshed my soul.

May the God of all creation point you ever closer to Him in the new year. Take the promise of His faithfulness and wear it as a cloak of certainty as your new chapter unfolds.

New Year blessings to all you faithful readers and welcome if you are visiting for the first time. I would love to have you join this beautiful community by subscribing to email updates. You will love it here! 🙂

Looking forward,

Join me next week as I reveal my One Word for 2017.

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