Some days I wake up and wonder how I made it through the last five years. I wonder if it was all a dream, but morning comes and I find myself on the other side of those five years.
My mind frequently runs through the highlights as I process the loss, grief, season of caregiving, uncertainty in who God is calling me to be as well as the joy that was interspersed.
If God is always present and working in our lives, we don’t need to wait until life crumbles to recognize the strength that carries us through. We can pray, “Lord, have your way in me” even before the first sign of trouble.
Call Upon the Lord
Five years ago, I retired from teaching after thirty years. I walked out of the classroom for the last time and almost immediately walked into a season of caring for my dad. I was left in a place where nothing looked familiar and I had no idea who I was.
A year later, my dad passed away after fighting hard to come back from a broken hip and pneumonia. I was lost and hanging on tenuously. Grief caught up with me from years past and compounded the loss I was feeling from a job I loved as well as the loss of my dad.
It was during this time that I began to call upon the Lord in joy, grief, hardship, and gratitude. I was desperate, suffering from anxiety, and could only repeat, “God, help me” over and over. I began to pray the words in Psalm 25 during my wilderness season.
Lord, direct me throughout my journey
so I can experience your plans for my life.
Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you.
Escort me along the way; take me by the hand and teach me.
For you are the God of my increasing salvation;
I have wrapped my heart into yours! (vs. 4-5, TPT)
Saying Yes to God
God saw me as I tried to figure it out on my own. He sees you, too. The blessing is that God is working behind the scenes in both of our lives and patiently waits for us. God is waiting for a simple “yes” to leave our lips as we agree to let the Lord, have His way in our lives.
Saying “yes” has not always been easy for me. Maybe you feel the same way. It’s easy to question what will happen on the other side of the “yes.” But God is with us. He already knows what’s next, and draws us close as we seek to draw closer to Him.
God saw me as I tried to figure it out on my own. He sees you, too. Join me as we call out, "Lord, have your way in me." #Newpost #lordhaveyourway @LyliDunbar Share on XI’m honored to be sharing my words at Lyli Dunbar’s today for her, Pray Big series. Click HERE to read the rest of the post and learn how praying Psalm 25 helps as you call on God to “have your way in me.”