It was one hug in an airport. A safe landing in the middle of a tumultuous journey home. A familiar face that split my heart wide open in a sea of weary travelers. This was all it took for that deep breath to make its way throughout my body. This was the invitation to make space for coming home.

After a day and a half or longer of traveling to reach home, I found home in the arms of my daughter-in-law. In the act of making space for coming home, I opened my heart and arms to step into where others will always love me for exactly who I am.

What does home look like?

On most days, if you asked me “what does home look like”?, I would describe for you where I live and the general layout of my house. I’m sure I would mention the color scheme which is laced with teal and accents of golden yellow. I may even share how my house makes me feel–safe, warm, and comfort-filled.

But focusing only on the physical aspects of where I live would fall short of what “home” looks like on a deeper level.

We can agree that home is a place, but I also believe home is where we can be most like ourselves.

As Isaiah describes the kingdom of righteousness, he says, “My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest” (Isaiah 32:18).

These words comfort me as I explore home in a context beyond its physical attributes. I recognize how I long for home to be a place of peace and undisturbed rest as I read these words from Isaiah. But in the moment I saw my daughter-in-law in the airport, I knew that home was also the place in my heart that held all my people near and dear.

Home is the place where I find rest,

the embodiment of where my people gather,

the hope for all my tomorrows because of Jesus,

the connection point for my physical, emotional, and spiritual self,

And the reason that coming home never gets old.

The Emotional Aspects of Home

One glance caused every emotion to bubble to the surface. Five steps later shook loose the strangle hold of thoughts that were filling my body.

Home was the longing I was feeling for the familiar. Home was the embrace of one of my people.

What makes its way across your heart emotionally when you think of home?

Maybe, like me, it is the embrace of one of your people. Maybe, instead, you feel a deep love when gathering with the people you hold dear.

What if making space for coming home connects all of the emotions that bring you closer to God?

As much as home is a place, it is also the heart space that makes room for loving yourself and others. It takes what you know about life and flips it upside down. It allows for unlikely people to enter and for you to have connections with those you have nothing in common. Home creates a room where you and others are always welcome.

In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul reassures the people they will always have an eternal home in heaven. When we are focused just on our physical bodies we leave little to no room for Jesus. But when we we are at home with the Lord, we make it our goal to please God. It makes no difference if we are at home in the body or with the Lord.

Putting God first always leads us home.

We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 2 Cor. 5:8-9

Coming home connects the dots between the physical, emotional, and spiritual parts of our body. When we choose Jesus to lead the way in our journey of coming home, we find ourselves complete in a way we didn’t know was possible.

The Spiritual Aspects of Home

It has taken me many years to understand the depth and meaning of home. I was in my middle forties when the idea of home included God as the center of my being. It was this new awareness that led me to discover that my heart was the epicenter for love, hope, and peace.

Home is the place where Jesus takes up residence and grows who you are while at the same time points you ever closer to Him. Making Space for Coming Home Share on X

When I said “yes” to Jesus, I invited love to slip into my body in a way that was new and wonderful.

When Jesus entered my heart, I gained His presence 24/7.

Maybe, home for you still focuses on the physical and that is the best place for you to start.

Maybe, you are beginning to see that there is more to home and you are waiting for the nudge to explore.

Or maybe Jesus is already your epicenter and you have graciously expanded your heart to include more people and more love than you thought was possible.

Today I invite you to reflect on what it looks like to come home in your own life. How has Jesus transformed your knowledge of home to include the life you will live beyond this one with Him?

Empowering women to walk in brave faith one heart at at time!

Here is a favorite series I wrote about home. Check it out HERE.




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