Oprah’s Courage or God’s?

I began a journey -an exploration of 15 little words on the sleeve of my take out coffee cup – a questioning of what it means to live the life you want! The beginning was just that, a first step, a very small baby step that led to more questions but an opportunity to find some answers with all of you. The joy in the journey is that your presence here and your voice in the conversation will only make it better.

As I read these words “The only courage you ever need is to live the life you want” spoken by Oprah, I knew instantly that more time and study was needed to fully understand what those words mean for me but also for others. As I added a list of questions to dig into last week, my heart knew that this journey would inevitably lead me closer to God and His anointing of me and everyone else for a life well-lived.

Week 1- Oprah’s Courage or God’s? – the introduction

Week 2 – Oprah’s Courage or God’s?… {following our passion}

Week 3 – Oprah’s Courage or God’s?… {when I grow up}




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