I remember a short period of time, when my sons were young, spending my days as a stay at home mom. Each day ran into the next and very little seemed to change from day-to-day. If I looked ahead I saw what looked like the same old, same old. Looking back now, I missed the joy you find when living in the moment.

My insides filled with grumbling and if I am honest some resentment. Aren’t we all made for more than motherhood, fatherhood or simple daily routines? Purpose is defined as:

The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Or a person’s sense of resolve or determination.

For our discussion today, I am going to focus on the second definition. If I look back to my time of being a stay at home mom, I can pinpoint a lack of determination in my daily attitude. I held onto the belief I was made for so much more than motherhood. I’m not proud to admit that.

We find purpose in our everyday, ordinary if we resolve to finding it there. Purpose defines us but we forget that it does not need to be bigger and better. The several years I spent at home felt like an eternity. But looking back now I realize the gift I had in participating in everyday life with my sons. The growing up years pass so quickly and we miss out when we are not living in the moment.

[Tweet “God’s good purpose for all believers is to make us more like Jesus.”]

Maybe you find yourself in a time of the mundane now. Your life passes by in a blur and your routines are just that – routine. Instead of finding the joy in the moment you dream of the day when your purpose is fulfilled. Let me stop you right there, friend. God’s good purpose for all believers is to make us more like Jesus. Do you see Jesus in the ordinary and normal? If not, let me assure that …

You are living your purpose right now exactly where you are.

I loved this question from my Bible Study Fellowship leader – Do you let God mold, while you fold? Even laundry time is sacred.

God’s purpose for you is good.

Being home with your kids while they are growing up, acting as a caregiver or volunteering are worthy ways to honor God. He did not make ordinary people. We are each unique masterpieces created by an amazing Father.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT

If you never embrace your right now, how will you know when you’re ready for the next step?

Contentment is a buzz word for many and with that said, it is not the way we usually describe how we feel. God says…

Even if someone lived a thousand years—make it two thousand!—but didn’t enjoy anything, what’s the point? Doesn’t everyone end up in the same place? We work to feed our appetites; Meanwhile, our souls go hungry. Ecclesiastes 6:6-7 MSG

Wow! We work hard at doing what is set before us, but we forget how God will always feed us just what we need, even in our present situation.

Living in the moment does hold purpose. It might look entirely different than what we have set our dreams on and where we hope to be in the future. Purposeful living is allowing ourselves the chance to find joy right where we are so our souls don’t go hungry.

Heavenly Father,

We come before you today grateful for all you do. Our hearts lean in and listen to what you have to teach us. Bless us with the joy and hope of finding you even in our ordinary moments. Show us how your purpose is ever present especially when we find ourselves on the treadmill of life. We offer our souls to you and ask that you feed them with your truth and life. May our souls never go hungry in our search for purpose because we know you are always there. We lift up our prayer to you Lord. Thank you for hearing and showing us the way.



To catch up on Week One’s post about purpose, click HERE.

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