In a world that changes as fast as the clouds move across the sky on a windy day, it is difficult to find those things that are constant. When we glance out the window and see sunshine one minute and in the next see nothing but gray skies, we wonder how we will ever remain steady. In a generation that changes its mind as quickly as it takes to send a text message to a friend, we pause in frustration at the lack of constancy among people. Or gaze haphazardly at the sheer enormity of choices in the toilet paper aisle in the grocery store.

One day we read, black is the new white or fifty is the new thirty and many of us hang onto the new trend with joy. A few days pass and now gray is the new white and fifty is fifty. If we strive to find the constant in our life, we may walk away disappointed. Our generation creates new trends, fashion statements, and technology so quickly that our heads spin to keep up. Where is the anchor to keep us from straying too far from shore? What do you do in this ever changing world to find the anchor for your soul?

Each generation past and present claims it’s identity in their accomplishments, personality traits, or how others define them. The generational groups relish the fame of standing alone declaring their own glory. It’s as if it is better to belong to one group instead of stretching in community across all generations. We lose sight of what ultimately brought us together from the start.

The last several weeks I have ached with those who lost children in the school shooting in Florida and now the passing of Billy Graham. A divided world is aching with disbelief, grief, and opinions as different as night and day. I see a need for unity now more than ever. A lasting union of hearts across generations no matter what color, age, gender or belief system. It is a chance to reach beyond any stigmas that hold us back, prejudices and instead grab the truth and the One who is the anchor for our soul.

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In this time of in between where we hold onto the past but hope for all the future will bring, one thing is sure. His name is Jesus. We live in the middle of the first coming of Jesus and look forward to when He will come again. Many generations have come and gone and more are still to begin, but throughout the turmoil, our hearts are secure in Jesus. In Lamentations we are told…

But Lord, you remain the same forever! Your throne continues from generation to generation. Lamentations 5:19 NLT

No matter what generation we claim as our own, we can be sure of:

The love of God. You showed me your unfailing love. Job 10:12

God’s grace in our weakness  My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Finding peace in God.  I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. John 16:33

And that He is who He says He is.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

May you find yourself reaching out to all generations as you seek to love others, promote peace and hold onto the One who remains constant in the continual flux of this world.

Sabbath Blessings,

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash







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