My phone vibrated next to me as I sat on the couch working on my emails for the day. I glanced down and quickly went back to work on decluttering my inbox, which is a neverending battle. Being a one phone family, I rarely answer my phone unless I know who is calling. I let the call run its course and know if it’s someone who needs to get in touch with me, a voicemail will soon follow. Thirty seconds later a voicemail notification popped up. A quick prayer crossed my lips.

A minute later, I paused the decluttering and listened to the voicemail. As I began to listen, I heard mortgage and escrow in the same sentence. If you know me at all, you can imagine how my heart dropped to the floor. My dad was my “go to” financial guy and with him not around, I realized that all the lessons I half listened to about finances over the years might come in handy now. I returned the call.

Before you hear the rest of the story, here’s what was happening in the background.


Sometimes, I don’t realize I’m praying, but somehow a quick prayer comes out as I exhale. God teaches us how to say these quick breath prayers in moments we face uncertainty.

They are as simple as “Lord, I need you”, “Thank you for this day” or “Guide my words”. The length of an exhale.

Prayer is a conversation with God. There are no rules or guidelines. Just call upon His name and thank Him for all He is going to do.

For years, I prayed in my head. The thought of saying my prayer out loud terrified me. I heard the prayers of others and dwelled on the lie that my prayers would never sound as good as their prayers.

Time and leaping out in faith led me to where I am now. A woman willing to pray for others as the need arises. God is so good.

[Tweet “God is a God of possibilities and beautiful blessings! “]

I shared last week that …Prayer is not only a spiritual discipline but also a spiritual privilege. When I am tempted to check it off my daily “to do” list, I need to pause and know the truth of what a gift it is to pray.

Praying for others is an honor, but there are times we pause in the middle of a voicemail because our heart begins to feel anxious and God is the creator of peace. In the pause, we pray and ask the One to calm the fluttering.

Even when you only have time to exhale, remember that…

God hears our prayers.

He said to Solomon…

 “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices. 2 Chronicles 7:12

Prayer helps us to draw near to God.

Deep calls to deep
    in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers
    have swept over me.

 By day the Lord directs his love,
    at night his song is with me—
    a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:7-8

God answers our prayers.

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22

As I hung up the phone that day, I felt peace. The words mortgage and escrow did not send me into a tailspin. I immediately outlined, in my mind, my next steps. The following morning as I was on my way to Bible Study Fellowship, my phone rang. I recognized the number, answered and sat in my car amazed. What could have ended as a challenge instead became a blessing. Yay God!

One quick breath prayer. Drawing close to the One who hears our prayers. And trusting in our big God led to freedom rather than a meltdown. God is a God of possibilities and beautiful blessings!

Blessings on your week!

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash






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