The conversation hummed non-stop in the local restaurant. Voices mingled with the background music and TVs spouting news or sports. Table tops displayed meals shared by couples, friends, and families. As I sat across from my friend, I realized how easy friendship is when you release agendas and let the conversation cover all the topics.

What seemed like minutes had turned into hours and what looked like two friends enjoying a meal and conversation was exactly that. I often sit across from others and practice presence only to find my mind cluttered with tomorrow’s list or what’s coming up on my calendar. It’s hard to admit that I forget the easy God grants me in the everyday and instead make things harder. Taking the jumble of things swirling in my head takes intentionality even on my best days. Please know it is not a reflection on the other person, but always a pointing back to me and the knuckle-tight grip I hold on to so many things. Release is God’s call to surrender in every minute of everyday.

And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. Romans 8:23

If we long for for all of our sin to be wiped away, we need look no further than Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. But if in this longing we find a daily battle to release the sin we face, we need only repent.

I am in a season of learning to surrender daily. God calls me to release my burdens to Him and not try to pick them back up. As my friend sat across from me the other evening in the restaurant, we both shared how quickly we pick back up what we just released. She described that God reminds her that He is driving and we need to move over. Are you trying to drive the car from the passenger seat?

God is in control. These are words I repeat daily. God takes our weakness when we let it go and replaces it with HIs strength. When I remember this, I also realize that surrender is okay. I am not losing anything in the process. Instead, I am gaining God. Why wouldn’t I want that?

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As we begin this new week, may we release those things that we feel we need to control. May we enjoy the passenger seat and take in the scenery because God knows what He is doing.

Sabbath Blessings,




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