I learned to tie a man’s tie in eighth grade. My dad patiently showed me as I prepared for a role in a play. It all started when I wrote an essay about the main character in a book for a contest. I won and the reward was playing the lead in the play based on that book. The tie that binds my role from that day long ago with my current life path is the same one that connects all of us – God.

As with any new experience, anxiety prevailed as I spent hours preparing, memorizing and praying that I did not stumble over my lines plus pull off playing a man. Even my idle time centered around the play and learning my lines.


I have not worn a tie since that day, but the symbolism of that memory sticks with me. It all came flooding back as I read Proverbs 3:3 in my quiet time recently.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

The hours I spent memorizing lines for a play are similar to the time we should spend reading God’s Word. Eating and breathing my character for days straight would make God giddy with delight if we gifted Him with the same time. I began to question the focus I possess in my own quiet time. Do I intentionally turn to the Word when facing the hard and good times in my life? What would my time with God look like if in the quiet the first words in my heart were “Thank you God for your goodness”?

My days always look brighter when I begin with God. I feel centered when I invite God to join me in my quiet time. A sense of strength pervades my being when God’s Word is in my heart and around my neck. When I read God’s Word during a season of brokenness, I find comfort. The same Scripture helps me find words to sing God’s praise. His thoughts become my thoughts the more His truth dwells inside me.

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Wearing a tie so many years ago symbolized an opportunity to not only play a role, but also speak truth into myself that I was chosen, worthy and enough in this role. I can now choose the same truth when I tie God’s love and faithfulness around my neck. Today the tie that binds me is choosing God to walk with me everyday. It is knowing that when I write God’s truth and promises on the tablet of my heart I am connected with Him. God’s promise of love and faithfulness is forever.

How will you choose God’s faithfulness and love daily? What will it take to make that happen? 

Blessings of grace along the way!

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