I was always one step away. Standing nearby but never quite fitting in. Second choice with a desire for the top spot. Looking from the outside in and wondering when the door would open for me.

This was my perspective, especially in my high school years. Someone else always received the accolades while I waited in the wings ready with a supporting role. Standing nearby, but not where I hoped I would stand.

My limited understanding of who I was didn’t allow me to see that I was exactly where I was supposed to be in every situation. I saw closed doors while God saw opportunities. My belief was that I was second best when the reality was God saw me as His first–His chosen daughter–His love and His everything. I belonged and God was waiting and ready to open the door. I just needed to take a step toward Him.

Last week, we began looking more closely at Romans 5:1-5. We grabbed onto the peace that comes from our relationship with Jesus and accepted the opportunity to begin each day and the new year with His peace. Today we will take a walk in the direction of knowing we belong and are God’s first choice.

The Message version of Romans 5:1-2 says it so beautifully:

By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us—set us right with him, make us fit for him—we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that’s not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise. Romans 5:1-2 MSG

Press pause as you read these words, “we find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand.” How does this make you feel? What about these words provides you with a sense of belonging?

For me, the words from Romans are truth-telling, promise-keeping, journal-worthy, and hope for my future. When I dwell on those high school memories, I see a girl who was unsure of the promise that God had already chosen her before she was born. I belonged just from the simple fact that I had and have a Father who loves me.

As I stand at the doors of my life, I pray I rest in the knowledge that God is on the other side. Whether the door opens or stays shut, God is with me ready to throw open the door exactly when I need it.

What does this look like in your own life? Do you stand at the door where you always hoped you would stand?

One open door is all it takes to lead us straight into the arms of Jesus. His welcome embrace surrounds us with the truth that we belong. We are His and He is ours!

Belonging is standing at the door knowing Jesus is on the other side. It is believing that who you are matters more to Jesus than you can imagine. The best part is that belonging is a gift that you receive and unwrap over and over because Jesus shows up and flings open the door at the same time you do.

Belonging is standing at the door knowing Jesus is on the other side. #sabbathofferings #truth Share on X

Today we have the choice of resting in the truth of who Jesus says we are and embracing it with unwavering faith. This gift is ours forever and will never be taken away. We belong to Jesus forever and forever.

Sunday blessings!

Photo by Lindsey Bahia on Unsplash




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