Advent Week Two – Preparing Our Hearts for Hope

Advent Week Two – Preparing Our Hearts for Hope

“Hope is hope because of faith, because of a trust that believes something good is on the horizon. Light is on the way.” Shadow and Light by Tsh Oxenreider In this second week and every week of our lives, we are preparing our hearts for hope. We learn through the...
Advent Week One – Searching for Hope

Advent Week One – Searching for Hope

I stood mesmerized by the flame that flickered and cast shadows on the walls of our kitchen. My family was gathered around the table and dinner was about to begin. I didn’t know, what I didn’t know. It wasn’t until I was an adult I discovered that I was searching for...
Advent 2022 – Liturgy of Adoration

Advent 2022 – Liturgy of Adoration

In one week, we celebrate the arrival. Jesus is coming! The newborn Savior of the world. Today we bow low and adore Him. We humbly ask for Jesus to remain in our lives beyond today as we celebrate with the liturgy of adoration. We sing in our clearest voices, “O...
Advent 2022 – Liturgy of Expectation

Advent 2022 – Liturgy of Expectation

The third week of Advent is already here. In the first two weeks, we explored the invitation to join Advent, and the preparation, and now our focus turns to the liturgy of expectation. During the first two weeks, we turned our gaze upon the details and the...
Advent 2022 – Liturgy of Preparation

Advent 2022 – Liturgy of Preparation

Welcome to Week Two of the Advent season. Today we will explore the liturgy of preparation. Before moving on, I hope and pray you invited someone to join you on this journey. This year I invited my grandkids and kids to take part in gaining a new understanding of...

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