The Intersection of Surrender and Waiting

The Intersection of Surrender and Waiting

If you told me I would be where I am today when I was young, I might not believe you. If you shared some of the details of my life before they happened, I would think you were talking about someone else. When my life turned out different than I imagined, I had two...
The Threshold of Receiving + Giveaway

The Threshold of Receiving + Giveaway

I stand on the threshold with arms open wide. The first words out of my mouth are “welcome home.” My son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and their dog enter into my embrace. Not all at once, but one by one. There is no place like home and several weeks ago I...
The One Word That Almost Wasn’t!

The One Word That Almost Wasn’t!

Are you part of the thousands of people that choose a word for the year? What does the process look like as you choose your one word? How do you know the word you come across is THE word for you? This year as in many years in the past I began to take a look back while...

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