by mgeisen | Oct 23, 2018 | spirituality
Do you trust me? The words might as well have been flashing in neon from a highway billboard. There was no subtlety or whisper floating on the wind. Instead, the question was a bold declaration as I was walking. The unexpectedness of the question on this day caused me...
by mgeisen | Feb 21, 2015 | spirituality
Growing up in a structured, traditional church came with the yearly Lenten sacrifices. I would start planning weeks in advance for the “just right” thing to give up as my offering each Lent. Choosing involved making sure that whatever I gave up would hurt,...
by mgeisen | Apr 16, 2014 | spirituality
Do you need a little salt with that???? My church tried a one week experiment last year to see if eating cheaply for a week could help change the world. We were asked to eat beans and rice for a week and at the of the end of the week, the surplus money we would have...
by mgeisen | Feb 20, 2014 | spirituality defines beneficial as the following: ben·e·fi·cial adjective 1. conferring benefit; advantageous; helpful: 2. a. helpful in the meeting of needs: a beneficial association. b. involving the personal enjoyment of proceeds: a beneficial owner....