hands with quote

In the dark of night, a cry pierces the stillness. A mother awakens and walks the well worn path to her child’s bedroom. The mother’s gentle touch is all it takes to soothe the crying child.

A husband lovingly holds the hand of his wife and rubs his thumb back and forth and her choppy breathing slows down and continues rhythmically. One knowing touch brings peace to a wife who is loved beyond words.

Five friends sit around a dining room table and give thanks for a meal prepared and served with the greatest love. The hospitality shines in all nooks and crannies of this house and is displayed through the gifts that God graciously gave the hostess.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them. Psalm 19:1-3

God’s Word above describes the work of His hands and shouts it from the Heavens. God’s handiwork is displayed everywhere. He blesses us with His beauty, encouragement, comfort and hospitality in the people we come in contact with, the glorious paintings across the landscapes of our world and in ordinary moments throughout our day.

I have seen God’s hands in the scenarios above and in my everyday when busyness gets pushed aside for just a minute and God pushes in to give us Himself.

How has God entered into your everyday? Are His masterpieces showcased in your friends, family, routines and surrounding beauty? Do you recognize God’s presence in your coworkers, neighbors, sons, daughters, parents and even in a stranger at the store?

I have seen God’s Hands in…

An early morning encouraging text from a friend
My brother praying over my son and his girlfriend
My dad always listening and interested in who I am
The early evening sky paintings that change colors in a matter of minutes
The snow draping the tree branches and washing them white
A stranger helping a woman at the grocery store with her oxygen tank
A coworker willing to listen when my day got a little messy

God is present in every minute and every part of our day. He is in the morning sky and the dark of night. He wants to be in our life and shows up in the ordinary and unexpected. He uses our hands to do His work which He lovingly chose for each of us. 

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How do you reflect the Hands of God in your daily life? Where do you see the Hands of God at work? Will you share joy and hope through the work of your hands?



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