Have you had the feeling that you are part of something and yet you are learning and growing more than you imagined? This series on perseverance with my friends Holly, Debbie and Patti has been a huge learning curve for me. Knowing that perseverance looks different for each of us was a given in my mind. But to read the stories of these dear friends and get to know them better has been a gift. God takes each of our stories and not only teaches us through the journey, but blesses us with friends who have deep, raw, emotional stories of their own that we can learn from. Today Holly teaches us how to face the changes in our lives. Ten years later, she is still working through changes, but now has the grace, wisdom and trust in God to get through the challenges.


If I am honest my life story is a series of hills and valleys and all that is in between. We hear that change is part of life! Change is good for you! It will make you stronger! And the list goes on. But as much as I would like to embrace these platitudes, there have been times I want to scream when someone tells me one of the above. Change is hard and it can make you stronger, but how do you deal with it when it continues year after year?

Holly shares all the changes she has endured the last ten years and it is enough to make your head spin. She doesn’t stop there and instead encourages us to dig into some practical ways to get through. She says…


What I’ve realized recently is that living it has been absolutely exhausting. But it doesn’t have to be.

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When change arrives, we have three choices. We can run from it. Or stubbornly try to resist it. But we always have the option to embrace it. Embracing change may sound like a tall order, but it is possible! Here’s a couple of suggestions to help you get through the changes in your life.


Continue reading Holly’s post here to find out the couple of suggestions she outlines to help you get through change.

After spending time with Holly’s words, give yourself grace as you reflect on your own life of changes. How have you embraced or faced the changes? What helps you to get through all the changes?

Blessed as always that you stopped by here today to join my friends and I in our perseverance series.

To catch up on all the posts in the series, click the button below.

You may find me hanging out at these lovely places today.





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