Winter has hit us hard in the midwest – in fact, I believe we have had at least two rounds of the Polar Vortex with a third on the way this week. It’s only January and the overwhelming feeling that winter will never end has descended upon us. I hope the following words bring encouragement and a glimmer of delight in the midst of the gray and deep freeze.
So sit back and enjoy this edition of Move Over Mondays!!!
Picture an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair shuffling slowly with his feet
A patch of white hair adorns his head and glasses perch in front of inquisitive eyes
His shuffling takes him straight to the partially open door of my mom’s room in the skilled nursing hall
He boldly maneuvers his way into the room, pushing the door open the rest of the way and inquires as to whether he can use the bathroom
My mom politely replies that this is a private room and there is a public bathroom in the hall. A crushed look covers his face and the look of a petulant school boy pours forth. His voice gains strength and we hear “I really have to use the bathroom. I can’t wait!” My mom and I look at each other, no words are needed, and I tell the gentleman that he can use the bathroom. The shuffling begins again and he works hard to manipulate his wheelchair into the bathroom. The door closes behind him and mom and I continue our conversation. In the meantime, my mom’s roommate catches my attention and begins to tell me that I shouldn’t let Clarence into the bathroom without a nurse. What??? Right about this same time, I heard a consistent beeping sound and returned to sitting with my mom. In walked a staff member and I told her there was a man in the bathroom. She immediately assessed the situation and confirmed that this indeed was Clarence.
You see – Clarence had escaped from another part of the nursing floor and the beeping was an alarm to alert staff members if a resident had left his/her wheelchair. Yep, mom and I were harboring an escapee!!! The best part of this story is the message Clarence left as he was being wheeled out the door. He turned to mom and I and said with conviction “Thank you, I feel like a new person!” I couldn’t help but laugh and mom and I shared a moment of delight in the midst of her own physical struggles.
Delight is both a noun and a verb. Delight can encompass a variety of feelings and Clarence provided a moment of delight when my mom and I needed it most.
Delight is a blessing from the Lord and this gift should be treasured and then shared with others. Clarence not only gave mom and I great pleasure but we experienced this gift of joy and learned how to delight even during a time of struggle.
Our Lord delights in us daily. Psalm 18:19 declares – “He brought me out into a spacious place, he rescued me because He delighted in me.”
Our Lord not only delights in us but provides us with delight when we are anxious. “In the multitude of my [anxious] thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul!” Psalm 94:19 (AMP)
Our Lord wants us to delight in Him. “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
Delight can take place everyday if we just let it. We can seek moments of delight daily or we can create delight for others. The choice is ours to make.
So, create some delight today! Take time to bless someone else! Look for the delight in your day and thank God for the wonder of pure joy.
Praying for unexpected delight to surprise you today! Be blessed, love well and delight in every moment.
If this post has encouraged you, please feel free to share it and encourage others!

It’s Monday already??? Come on in – the door’s wide open – bring your coffee and sit for awhile. Soak in some encouragement for your soul to prepare you for the new week.
Linking up this year with Ann Voskamp’s 2014 Joy Dare. Find the link up at A Holy Experience. Counting blessings daily will bless you immeasurably! JoyDare #61-78
- Time spent with dad-both of us moving forward together,a walk with a friend,quiet time to start my day-God was present
- Sharing a meal with friends, remembering mom and her life and hurting a little less, winter’s strength revealed
- Beautiful words in Acts 17 this morning, pumpkin bread warm from the oven, joy at hearing my daddy’s voice on the phone
- Extra time to rest my weary soul and regroup,lunch with my son,coffee with a favorite friend-all ways to move to healing
- A comical, breath depriving workout on my new elliptical, blowing snow swirling in clouds, a visit from my son
- Pasta dinner in the crockpot,routine chores anchor me during the day,sun sinking and leaving a splash of color behind
Blessed to be linking with:
Hi Mary. I’m stopping by from the (in)Couraging Writers group. Goodness, this post made me smile. I guess it’s been about six months now since my sweet mother-in-law was unexpectedly and suddenly called home to God, but I can very much relate to this and some of your other posts. God’s blessings to you. Looking forward to reading along.
Clarence is one of my favorite stories! He taught me true delight when I needed it most. Delight is how God is teaching me to work through my grief. Looking forward to getting to know you and all the (in)courage writers better. Blessings, Mary!
Such a sweet story that came at a time when you needed to laugh. I am so glad you have that memory of laughing with your mom. I am delighting in the fact that I get to be your coffee friend:)
Thanks,Terri! Clarence is going to keep me going on those days I need to look hard for the delight.
You created “delight” in my evening, Mary, by sharing your Clarence story! 🙂 I’m glad you’re reminiscing on those happy, delightful moments you had with your mom. It’s a good thing to do when you’re grieving. Consider yourself, “cyber-hugged” by me.
Mary, when I think of the word delight from now on, I will think of Clarence! Thanks for sharing your story and for linking up to Testimony Tuesday! I hope you are staying warm…we are experiencing those cold temps too and it has been snowing since daybreak. Spring seems like a ways off!
Clarence truly embodies delight for me in the midst of my storms. Thank you for stopping by and for the chance to link up. Blessings of delight to you!
Mary – you bring joy to my life! Thank you. 🙂 Sending a warm embrace.
Thank you dear Karen! It gives me comfort to know that I can feel delight in the midst of my pain. Love you!
God bless. Both Jack and I enjoyed the story of Clarence this morning. Joy and delight in the midst of sorrow. Thanks!
I’m so glad the story of Clarence blessed both of you today. Your encouragement means a lot to me! Blessings!
Hi Mary,
Now you can impress your students with the story of how you hid a runaway!
I am so glad God sent Clarence to bring you this unexpected delight.
Prayers for peace and comfort for you and all of your family.
Love you!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Clarence is a good reminder for all of us to find delight in our everyday moments of life. Love you friend!