Friends – we are almost finished with our 31 day journey to brave faith. Tomorrow signals the end of our time studying brave. But really is it over? Brave is a lifelong process of discovering, unfolding, stepping out and grabbing hold of the next step God has laid out for us. Brave does not end in 31 days.

Today let’s take a peek into our own hearts and dream big. Let’s leap across the rocks marking the rugged path across the water. Be brave and say your dream out loud to a friend, family member or even your pet! What is your call to courage?

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After reading the book, Restless by Jennie Allen, I discovered my gifts and how they meshed with the threads of my life. These threads when studied as a whole can reveal more about who you are and what areas you are gifted in as well as passionate about. Studying who I am by looking back as well as looking forward, helped me to understand what has always been a passion of mine as well as how I developed or did not develop these passions over the years. My threads created a pattern that help me to understand how I can use my gifts currently to honor God. I still ask “what is my call to courage?” and spend time listening for answers from God. The blessing is that I know who I am in a deeper way and bravely seek God in the answers.

God calls us to courage. He plans beautiful things for our lives and then looks for a “yes” from us when He comes calling. God loves when we dream big and seek ways to build His kingdom. This is brave! He desires to align our dreams with His plan. Remember we are learning to stay still but not stuck. Listen well, heed God’s voice, dream courageously and let the rest bloom where it is planted.

[Tweet “Courage doesn’t equal right; courage equals stepping out and trying. @anniefdowns #bravefaith”]

There is no right or wrong when it comes to being brave. Sometimes a “yes” is our brave answer but other times saying “no” is the bravest thing we can do. Annie Downs writes about this in Let’s All Be Brave. If you have been following this series you know the impact this book has had on me. We are not going to get courage right all the time. The bottom line is to step out of the boat. Let God take care of the rest. I will leave you with these words from Annie Downs.

I’m just not sure you are going to get it right every time – saying the right yes and the right no. I don’t get it right all the time. But courage doesn’t equal right; courage equals stepping out and trying. Be brave and say yes. But also be brave and say no… Say the thing that courage asks you to say, even if it’s the word no.

Stepping out in courage!


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