In the Spring of 2024, I went through a certification program for Christian health coaching. Wholly Yours, LLC was birthed soon after.
From discipleship training to one-on-one volunteer counseling over the last five years, God has prepared me for this moment. God provided the desire, the gift of encouraging women, and the ability to listen well as groundwork for this moment in time. The promise God gives us all is one of preparation, presentation, and purposeful living.
What is Christian Health Coaching?
The simple answer is that it is coaching with a Godly approach. God cares more about us than we can imagine. He made us people with an integrated system that consists of the body, mind, and spirit. When God created man and woman, He declared we were “very good”. He made our bodies in His image, and He loves us without fail. That will never change.
God’s greatest hope for us is to live as whole beings. He wants our bodies, minds, and spirits to work together to unlock wholeness. But too often, we live overwhelming and overburdened lives due to stress, loss, emotional chaos, and poor choices. Instead of our bodies running like a well-oiled machine, we sputter, stop and start, need constant maintenance, and new parts.
Christian health coaching provides the space and opportunity to get to the root cause of why we are struggling physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It helps to answer the question, “What is weighing you down”?
When we look more closely at who we are, whose we are, and the events that brought us to where we are today, we can begin the process of understanding the emotions, lies, and strongholds that are weighing us down.
Why Would I Choose Christian Health Coaching?
What would it look like for you to walk in the freedom God has prepared for you?
We live in a noisy world that tells us we are not enough or that we need the latest and greatest way to fix our bodies. What if instead, we remembered God created us in His image, and we are His very good idea?
God wants nothing more than to lead you into wholeness while releasing your “whole mess” to Him.
As a Christian Health coach, it is my honor and privilege to walk alongside you as we call upon the Lord to create a plan to identify your values, challenges, and vision in moving forward. I am your guide at the side of the Guide, and it is my honor to make space for your story of learning again who you are and whose you are.
Are you ready to walk into freedom? Let’s set up a 15-minute discovery call to see if this program is right for you.
What Resources and Programs are Available?
- I offer one-on-one coaching, in which you (the client) and I develop a plan that identifies your values, strongholds, and goals for unlocking wholeness.
- There is also the option of small group coaching centered around a particular topic for 6 to 8 weeks.
- Book studies are available; the most popular is The Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton. This is an intense 13-week study that takes the participant through how to metabolize pain, banish shame, and connect to God with your whole self. It is well worth the time.

More Questions?
You can reach out to me at whollyyourscoaching@gmail.com
I would love to answer all your questions. I can’t wait to meet you!
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