A week ago as I was journaling, the words blessed assurance found their way onto the page. I must admit that those weren’t the first words that spilled out. Words like “broken heart, bleeding out and brokenness” came first.

God is so good not to leave us hanging onto words that highlight our mess, but instead, He points us back to what He believes about us.

Journaling is a sacred act for me. Many times, worship music plays in the background as I freely let God direct my words. On that particular day, God spoke truth in the way He does best. Instead of scolding me like an angry parent, He gently let my words change from what I believed to what He knows. Nothing but love filled the page. Whispers of grace floated in the background.

Moving from a broken heart to blessed assurance was all Jesus.

Words of love washed over the page. Reminders of how one sacrifice two thousand years ago was all because of love. Truth woven in grace and questions for me to dig deeper. Together they all pointed me to me: a daughter of the King, His chosen one, His beloved.

Jesus spoke these words:

My heart breaks for you. I bled out on the cross for you because I love you deeply. Your brokenness becomes whole in me. When you feel you can’t go on or life is not what you imagined, you still have the best waiting for you. Do you believe? Do you see all I am doing? Will you walk in the waiting knowing that the other side is almost within your reach?

I need daily time with Jesus to set my heart straight. Journaling is a holy habit that provides a way for God to enter into my day. I love how He teaches me and knows I have so much more to learn. It is a daily revisiting of my heart and soul as I embrace Jesus over and over again.

Jesus left me with these words ad I pray they speak to you too:

In everything you do, let blessed assurance be the call of your heart. Dream with blessed assurance. Love with blessed assurance. Wait patiently with blessed assurance and rest in the knowledge that I am with you always. 

I will leave you with these words from Matthew 5, the Beatitudes:

“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought. -Matthew 5:5, MSG

“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. -Matthew 5:8, MSG

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I wrote a series on the Beatitudes using the Message version a year ago. You can catch up on the series HERE.

You are blessed, beloved and chosen. Rest in this truth and the blessed assurance that only comes from God.

Sabbath Blessings,

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash





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