Walking through my house is a bit like a maze these days. The perimeter is stacked with boxes and bins. Furniture is out of place and chaos reigns. Just looking at the disorder causes my heart to race and palms to sweat. My rhythm and sanity only comes because I remind myself to breathe.

They say that moving is just a box away or maybe that’s what I say. The process of decluttering is a rhythm all unto itself. It creates a sense of fulfillment one day and utter despair the next. This is my life right now. But in the highs and lows that come with letting go of the past as well as reaching toward the future, satisfaction reigns. I find it only comes in the deep inhale and exhale. It comes when I breathe deeply.

Moving and all it entails parallels life. We pack and unpack truths and lies about ourselves. We box up our emotions. Parts of our lives remain compartmentalized in order that the past doesn’t mix with the future. As life ebbs and flows we discover who we are in the connection of our past with our future. Our striving ends when we allow God to mix the two together with His grace and redemption. Empty boxes no longer remain unpacked. Instead, God reconciles the pieces of our life and weaves them together into His beautiful whole. Now we can embrace the courage to put the lids on parts of our lives and open up other boxes with anticipation.

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The past few weeks sped by in a blur and somehow I am here in this place now, which is further than where I was yesterday. God is good to bring us to where we need to be. His gentle nudging moves us forward to the place where our story meets His. All I know as I see the boxes surrounding me is that God got me here and will continue to lead me to what’s next. His answer as I sit gingerly stretching every tired, sore muscles is to breathe.

God flows in during the rhythm of each inhale. He lives and moves to fill us with everything we need. Our exhale does not rid of us God, but becomes the praise we form by being loved deeply.

Yesterday as I ran one more errand, God showed me that when I embrace the chaos, He shows up. When I create space for peace, He makes room for it even when disorder threatens to overtake me. My schedule yesterday would have made the most expert taskmaster’s head spin, but one drive in a truck changed my outlook.

Embrace your place.

Let God do what He does best.

Hold onto God when chaos reigns, but let go when He says “now”.

But most of all, just breathe!

On this Sabbath day, let’s breathe our praise to God.

I bless God every chance I get;
my lungs expand with his praise.

 I live and breathe God;

if things aren’t going well, hear this and be happy:

 Join me in spreading the news

together let’s get the word out.  Psalm 34:1-3 MSG

Sabbath Blessings!




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