Women are like that, aren’t they? We long to find someone who has been where we’ve been, who shares our fragile places, who sees our sunsets with the same shades of blue. Beth Moore, Jesus the One and Only

Beth Moore has a way of speaking and writing words that feel like they were meant just for me. She gets to the heart of the matter quickly even though I tend to read the same words several times to absorb their meaning. But even through the processing, I know Beth speaks my language.

When I read the quote above, from Jesus the One and Only, by Beth Moore, I paused at the first four words, “women are like that”. “Like what”?, I wanted to ask Beth. I believe all women carry a deep need to connect with other women. The burden we carry is that even with this deep–seated desire to hang out with other women, we many times don’t let other women know this.

I’m as guilty as the next woman, but slowly my mind and heart is shifting. How will anyone know how much community feeds my soul if I never tell them? What would happen if I allow myself to share the vulnerable pieces of my brokenness?

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Other women tell me how much they appreciate the chance to spend time together. Are you one of those women? In the midst of your crazy, busy life have you ever slowed down long enough to gift yourself with some “me time” with other women?

God promotes community throughout the Bible. Hebrews 10 takes the time to encourage us to persevere and not neglect time together. These words share the power of faith when in community.

This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning. Hebrews 10:24-25 TPT

And then I wonder, is the answer as simple as inviting women to gather for coffee and conversation. If I opened my heart to allowing others to see in, would I find these women nodding their heads in a silent “me too” agreement.

My life is not quite as busy as when my sons lived at home, but I am finding I need community even more in this stage of life. I know that in order for this to happen I need to intentionally reach out and invite other women to gather around my table or at the local coffee shop. One invitation is all it takes to make a difference in another woman’s day. Will you join me and and make a coffee date today?

I know that even as an identified introvert, who I am is always better when I am in community. Sharing my hopes and dreams with someone else plants the seed that is needed to begin moving forward. Finding out how others fulfilled their dreams or overcame a challenge gives me the opportunity to know I am not alone. The bottom line is that hanging with other women feeds my soul.

Who doesn’t need encouragement, empowerment, and enrichment? Whenever I have provided a space to meet with another woman, I have always walked away better than I arrived. In our culture of do more and be more, it is refreshing to sit across the table from another woman who cares just as deeply as you do. We can create community and it is only one phone call away.

Join me this week on Instagram as I create a space for women to just be and know they are better together.

1st photo – Photo by Eduard Militaru on Unsplash

2nd photo – Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


P.S. I am so thankful for each of you and your stories. My oldest celebrated his 31st birthday and I did not have a chance to read all of your beautiful words. Grace, please!

P.P.S.  Did you know today is Amazon Prime Day? And guess what, you can use the code PRIMEBOOKS18 to get $5.00 off $20.00 worth of books today. Just think, you could include a copy of Brave Faith: A 31 Day Devotional in your cart today. Click here for all your favorites.

#TellHisStory Link Up
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