Three years ago, I finished a conversation with my son and daughter-in-law with these words, “Come home”! Struggling with a decision that took them miles away from home and then learning that the opportunity looked nothing like they imagined, left me with only one answer–a safe place to land.

They have shared with me more recently that allowing them to “come home” meant more than anything. You see they had given up their home and put all their belongings into storage to enter this mission assignment. My son and daughter-in-law possessed “things” but were lacking a safe place to land. I said the first thing that came to mind and it made all the difference.

One of the things I treasure is knowing I have a safe place of my own. Whether it is a physical home or the people in my life I call family, I am covered in security and always have a soft place to land. Reality for some does not look like this. Safe is a word and a desire but isn’t always the truth for our life. My kids have experienced this firsthand in several different ways. Leaving to become missionaries is one example but having their lives violated by a robbery and another son by an unforeseen divorce shook their view of safety.

"Come home." It was the first thing that came to mind and it made all the difference. #asafeplacetoland #dentedfender @thedentedfender Share on X

I don’t know what “a safe place to land” looks like for you. Do you have friends and family who surround you when life is overwhelming? Or when physical challenges become too much are you able to rely on medical help to lead you back to wholeness? Has your physical, emotional, or mental being ever been violated? None of these are okay and everyone needs their own safe place to restore, heal, and rest.

My life has not been without hard challenges and difficult solutions but through them all I continue to find redemption and security through the love of my Father. He declares that He is my safe place.

In Psalm 62, God declares He is our safe place. Find out more what this looks like by following me to The Dented Fender for the rest of the post.

Sabbath Blessings,




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