Worship is the song in my heart, the beauty on the path as I walk, and the words of praise and gratitude on my lips. It is one, small way to lean into God more intimately. Worship is the heart and soul of connection with God. Engaging in a time of worship is not one specific thing, but it is everything when God is at the center.

What does worship look like for you? How do you engage with God to show Him your praise and gratitude?

I am trying something a little different to review the last few months. I love taking photos as I walk/hike. Sometimes the way is slow but it is always a time of communion with God. Come along with me as I take you through a collage of pictures highlighting a time of worship this summer.


A time of worship is following the path in courage and faith even when you are not sure where it leads.

It is hearing God’s word and your daddy’s voice and learning the cadence and rhythm of both.

Worship is the flight of birds swooping in and flying high in the dance of food gathering.


Freedom is worship in flight.

The beauty in the blooming of the lily pads is God’s gift of new life.

The surprise of a heron as you look through the tall grasses is God’s way of showing us there is gratitude everywhere.

The worship of flowers as they unfurl reminds me of Luke 12:27:

Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.


The joy of worship in a place where God is front and center is like no other. I still find it hard to share how the Holy Spirit showed up. What I know is when people ask me how my time at the Bethel Women’s conference was I say it was exactly what it was supposed to be.

A time of worship where hundreds of women gathered is sacred, holy, heart-filling, and soul-satisfying.


A time of worship looks like:

A monarch butterfly feeding hungrily

The glory of a full moon

And the landscape subtly fading into its Fall colors

September was also a celebration of family. A six-month milestone for Baby Jack. The joy of what it looks like to watch the new branch of our family tree thrive and connect with each of us.

The story God teaches us as we grow in relationship with one another is connected to the growing of our legacy. It is stretching our limbs, opening our hearts, and reaching new directions into this idea of what family is all about. The unfolding is my favorite part of observing this family God has so graciously given to me. What is your favorite part of your family?

Let's take a picture walk through summer and discover the beauty of worshiping in new ways. #TellHisStory #linkup #timetoworship Share on X

May you discover new ways to worship this week and see God in unexpected places. Open your heart to receive all God has planned for you. Let’s walk together into the unfolding of new beginnings and heart-filling joy as we move forward this week.


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