We are entering Week Two of Advent. Thank you for coming back and giving yourself the gift of a sacred pause. Last week, we worked on slowing down to capture stillness in our busy days. It was a time of sitting in the quiet and letting God join us in that space. There was no agenda and I pray it was exactly what it needed to be for you.

This week we are adding on a layer of intentionality. I’m naming it sacred intentionality because we are given a choice to dive deeper with God daily. This season of Advent is the perfect time to add sacred intentionality into our days as a way to release the busy and focus on God. A chance to not only call on God in our inhale and exhale but to invite Him in with intention and purpose.

Intentionality seeks to make a practice of something that tends to be elusive. Instead of just hoping something happens we will create a place where we choose to pause, seek, listen, and understand.

Week Two Reading Plan

With that in mind, we will read parts of the Gospel of Luke in order to go deeper into the story of the birth of Christ. Below you will find an outline of reading for five days this week. Reflection questions will follow, but the thought is for you to decide what works best this week. My hope is you choose to take the time to read the passages. Digging into the backstory with John the Baptist, Mary, and Elizabeth, Zechariah and ending with the birth of Jesus provides a beautiful background for the “why” “what” and “how”.

Click the link for the reading plan. It doubles as a printable for you to keep and savor throughout the week. Click HERE.

Verse of the Week

Another week is beginning and it is a chance to savor the Christmas story in the Gospel of Luke. Join me for scripture, stillness, and a time of reflection during this second week of Advent. #ASacredPause #Advent Share on X


Heavenly Father – Today I come before you humbly asking that your “yes” for my life is one I grab for myself. Provide the faith I need to know that stepping out with you is going to be okay. Hold tight to me when I falter and show me the next steps when I want to turn the other way. Thank you for your presence in my life and the patience you give me when I make mistakes and need to start over. You are my Hope and I can trust you as Mary did so long ago. I lift up this prayer to you, Lord. Amen.


Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado

Come, Lord Jesus: The Weight of Waiting by Kris Camealy

Sabbath Offerings ~ The Third Sunday of Advent (disclaimer-it is all about sacred intentionality)




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