A little voice piped up from the backseat, “are we there yet”? I surveyed our surroundings and realized we had not even made it to the highway. A deep sigh, followed by a quick “no”, traveled to the kids in the back. Oh, the joy of vacation.
Many years of the familiar leaves me wanting some of those days to return. Not in all their glory, but just the ones that make you sigh contentedly because they feel just right.
As I ready myself for vacation this year with my grown sons, I know I wouldn’t want it any other way. A touch of the familiar will accompany my preparations and conversations of vacations from the past will surely enter the rhythm of traveling together. The only thing missing will be the little voices from the backseat asking, “are we there yet”? At least I hope so.
Much of my journey to knowing God is now laced with the familiar. Some of the same questions that young children ask their parents are ones that I find I ask too. Questions like “why” and “how do I do this”? And just like a parent, God patiently replies even if it is the 100th time.
There is something so reassuring about being known. As a parent it sometimes looks like predictability from established routines. It’s when your child says “I love you mommy” knowing you are going to say it in return. The feeling of knowing what to expect is part of this journey.
[Tweet “Being known takes your expectations and turns them into promises.”]
You don’t need to worry about what’s next because the foundation of your future is already in place. God takes each question we ask, fear we hold onto, and uncertainty about what’s next and changes them into His beautiful promises.
He promises:
Come to me when you are weary and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28
Nothing is impossible with God. – Mark 10:27
He is a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love. – Nehemiah 9:17
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6
God listens, hears, answers and never tires of loving us. His promises are endless and true. God is constant and unchanging.
Just as a parent knows her child, God knows every intimate detail about us. I can’t get enough of the reminder that God chose me and knew me even before I was born. When I was just a twinkle in God’s eyes, He had already planned out every word, sentence, and chapter of my story.
Even before each of my sons made their way into the world, I did a similar thing. I dreamed of their future and planned so many things for them. All the love I knew filled my heart as I waited expectantly for them to enter the world and into my life.
I know God does the same for each of us. He has a plan and a future and a story written outlining everything He knows about us. When I read these words from 1 Corinthians, I sat in gratitude that God, the Father, knows me and loves me.
But whoever loves God is known by God. – 1 Corinthians 8:3, NIV
I was the child who sat in the backseat while growing up asking the question, “are we there yet”? My mom and dad loved me enough to answer over and over. Then I became the parent answering the question for my sons.
The gift of a God who knows you and desires nothing more than for you to love Him and follow Him, is available for everyone. Our questions, doubts, praises, and gratitude are not burdens to God. That is the joy of a gracious Father who knows us.
The best part is that we don’t need to ask God if we are there yet, because He knows the way and He is the Way!
[Tweet “Join me in sharing and linking up your own encouraging story at the #TellHisStory linkup.”]

Have a wonderful time on vacation with our family… and oh boy do I remember those days, but truthfully they still occur even though they are adults now. LOL thanks for hosting
I remember those days well, too! Car rides for kids seem unending. We always tried to have a supply of things to do before the age of movies in the car.
Thanks for the reminded that God knows our future and we don’t have to worry.
Blessings to you, Mary! xo Hope you are having a wonderful vacation!
I wouldn’t be surprised if your grown sons ask that question again just for old times’ sake. 🙂 Mine would do something like that. I hope you have a great vacation.What a blessing to trust that God knows the way, is with us all the way, and IS the way.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday together, Mary. Oh how I remember the “are we there yet” from when I was little that we now hear regularly in the back of our own car now 😆. Thank you for your beautiful encouragement. “There is something so reassuring about being known.” So, so true. Growing in that being known every single day and oh what a gift!
I remember those days! I miss the sweetness of them, just like you mention. I’ve stored those up in my heart! Your post is such sweet encouragement as I look past my youngest being a senior in h.s. this year – and as I face the challenge of someone I love with dementia, and wonder about this next part of my journey. Your post reminds me of the comfort and assurance God has planned for me in this new stage of my journey.
So comforting to know that our God is with us, as well as knows what’s ahead as well, Mary! Thanks for encouraging us with these truths, my friend!
How wonderful to take a vacation with your grown sons! I pray that new memories will be made, and old memories shared and enjoyed together! Blessings and Rest to you!
This really hits home for me, Mary. I’m definitely that child continuously asking God, “Are we there yet?” Thank you for this beautiful reminder that there really is no need to do that with Him! I hope you have a wonderful vacation with your family, my friend.
Also, I must say Jennifer could not have chosen a better person to carry on the Tell His Story linkup. I’m so glad to join you today. I’ve been away from my blog for a bit. Thanks so much for hosting this inspiring gathering.
Mary, this post reminded me of the final book in the Chronicles and the line, “Further up and further in.”
Are we there yet? I pray you are having a wonderful time with your family
i’m enjoying about a 85% blogging break these days.
i couldn’t be happier …
enjoy your pared down online time, friend. it’s so worth it.
I knew I would miss those little boy voices – even the one which told the never-ending story. We just never knew how much we would miss those voices!
Thank you, Mary!
Sometimes I miss those times too! Although I don’t miss the fighting in the backseat among the kids! 🙂 I used to say, “Well, at least they have a relationship.” I guess that’s also what God wants of us too. A relationship with the one who loves and knows us best!
Oh, I hope you are having a great vacation, and that you will have the opportunity to sit in the back seat and toss that iconic question up to your grown up sons and their wives! It’s so much fun when our families get together because we want to and because we enjoy the time so much!
Mary, truly those were days to remember, weren’t they? It strikes me even more funny as I hear the same question from the backseat, out of the mouths my granddaughters now. You have beautifully reminded me of how precious it is to know and be known by our God. May you have a wonderful vacation with your family!
*”Are you there yet?” 🙂