Last week, I wrote about being bold and I shared the story of one momma’s wish for her daughter. God showed up during that conversation and graced all three of us with a new understanding of boldness. To catch up from last week click here.

So if boldness took root in that daughter’s heart and God breathed life into the tiny seed that was planted that evening, what else can cause boldness to bloom?


Fast forward a week later and listen in on a new conversation between a mom and her son – a conversation that I was blessed to witness – a conversation that spoke of unconditional love, pride and joy spilled out by a mom who had seen the obstacles her son had already overcome in the short span of 9 years.

This mom dreamed for her son to be able to speak clearly, without hesitation and for his brain to connect to the muscles needed to make the sounds. This boy has apraxia of speech – a disorder in a child that causes the brain to misfire and not coordinate the muscle movements needed to say sounds, syllables and words. Learn more here from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

As I was encouraging the mom, who is a full-time student herself trying to make a better way for her family, she boldly declared that her son was an overcomer. Her words described the determination her son has always possessed and how it carries over into everything he faces. My simple words of “he’s a hard worker” fell short of the pride and love this mom felt for her son and all he has overcome to get to where he is in third grade. His determination shows a new kind of boldness which is mirrored by his ability to overcome the “big” things that come his way.

God brings us boldness through our struggles.

God blesses us with a determination to overcome the obstacles along the way!

Bold bloomed for this mom and son and determination was the factor that fostered its growth.

Bold blooms when we accept and allow God to be the center of our lives. Bold is nourished by God’s Word.

Bold will blossom when we add determination.

A focused drive toward following God and living our lives for Him is a result of boldness watered with determination.

As we look at determination and how to best use this in our own lives to increase our boldness for God, I am reminded of the story of Ruth. When her mother-in-law Naomi urged her to go back home after her husband had died, Ruth proclaimed that she would follow her wherever she would go. Ruth was not taking “no” for an answer and these beautiful words followed:

16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.”18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.

 I pray we are all blessed with the determination to follow God with the boldness of Ruth. God will cultivate us and nourish us with His grace and love along the way.

As a result of these last two weeks, I have learned that God is pouring His words about boldness onto this page for me and He is clearly saying…

My child – these words are for you! I am asking you to be bold for me. Will you say “yes”? Please join me in praying for all, that when God calls us to action, we are able to say “yes” and follow Him in boldness! Will YOU say “YES”?

Linking up this year with Ann Voskamp’s 2014 Joy Dare. Find the link up at A Holy Experience. Counting blessings daily will bless you immeasurably! JoyDare #205-226

  •  Learning more about myself through a work evaluation, knowing I am never alone in my walk, ending day with a book study
  •  Do I dare dream Spring is here-tempting warmth today,love of a student-you are the best 3rd grade teacher,joy in friends
  • Great conversations with parents tonight,affirmation God has me right where He wants me,spring headed back to winter
  • Fun twitter party #incouragewriters , grade level team bonding, the weekend in my sights and waiting to begin
  • Quick change in weather from winter to spring, time with my dad #priceless ,swirling clouds marked w/ reddish hues
  • Sun-infused walk outside to get my blood pumping, time at church to hear God’s Word and impact on us, a salmon burger for dinner
  • Blessed to be given another day,time well spent w/ my oldest son to catch up on life,knowing spring will arrive on Thurs

Please take a minute to visit these wonderful blogs I’m blessed to be linking with:

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