Change happens!

As a 50-something year old, I can assure you that as hard as you may fight it, change will happen. I have fought and dug my heels in to resist change, but the winner almost every time is CHANGE! They say that as you get older, change becomes harder, but I see people of all ages choosing routine and the status quo as the norm.

Last week, I wrote about The Perfect No – when God chooses a “No” for an area of our lives, which causes a big change, that becomes His “Yes” for us. God takes these “No” moments and in our act of surrendering all to Him becomes perfect for our lives. During this transition, you are enduring a change and with change comes uncertainty and anxiety.


Change will happen and our “yeses” and “nos” effect the outcome. When change is God-driven, He is working hard to mold us to His purpose and plan for our lives. God’s grace forms our lives and directs us toward Him daily when we say “Yes”. We learn in 2 Timothy 1:9 that:

9 He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.

God’s purpose for our lives involves change, but He balances this by freely providing grace every step of the way. The messy life changes , the easy changes and everything in between are laced with grace to aide in achieving God’s intention for us. This is why God’s “no” can become the best answer we will ever receive.

The years have taught me much and sometimes the lessons need to be repeated over and over so they stick. But I have learned and there are several lessons that I want to pass on!

1. Change happens whether you want it to or not!

We all know this deep in our hearts but sometimes hearing it again and again ingrains it deeper into our souls.

2. Change is a catalyst for a renewed sense of purpose.

We kick and scream and then we give into the change and find out it was exactly what we needed all along.

3. Change is God-driven when you are God-focused.

Keep your eyes on God and He will lead you through the change and take you forward from there.

4. Embrace the change, make the most of it and be willing to learn from it.

As hard as it is or as much as you just want to run the other way-embrace the change- you will be pleasantly surprised!

God’s purpose plus our messy lives join to become God’s ultimate plan.

The lessons come when we least expect, but embracing the change will lead us to God. I know that’s the direction I want to go in my life.



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