Today Jeanne, Emily and I wrap up our Chosen and Approved series. Emily shares her experience with feeling insecure when making decisions. She begins with a story from childhood and describes a “whatever she’s having, please” way of life beginning at a young age.
My aunt and uncle took us into the toy store in the mall and made an amazing promise: my sister and I could each pick one item—ANY item in the store—and they would get it for us.
Talk about eight-year-old heaven. Looking back as an adult, I wonder how big of a risk my aunt and uncle took that day. What was the most expensive toy in the store? How big was it?
Well, my sister and I took stock of the inventory, and my sister made her choice: a mechanical dog about ten inches tall with soft white fur. It walked on a leash, barked, and did back flips.
When I declared that I wanted the same thing, my aunt tried to gently talk me out of it.
As I read these words, I flashed back to my own childhood and the desire to fit in. When you have four brothers, you choose boy things because well, you just do. My brothers were the friends, who I hung out with daily so when they liked something, I liked it too. I adopted a “whatever she’s having, please” attitude.
Life seemed easier as I looked to others’ choices to guide me in making my own. When my friends wore a certain style of clothes, I begged my mom for the chance to wear the same clothes. Who I was became wrapped up in the choices of others rather than the uniqueness of who God created me to be.
[Tweet “Copycat behavior steals something more subtle:the beautiful gift of uniqueness. @novelwritergirl”]
I love how Emily ends her post, points us to God and the unique creation of who we are.
Where insecurity says we must envy and copy others, faith says God has a wonderful plan for each life. Our individual personality and tastes and opinions further that plan.
So put down the toy dog and back away. Choose something uniquely you.
Click here to read Emily’s complete post. Go here to catch up on the whole series.
Walking in my own uniqueness,

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It’s just plain cool when friends join forces to pull together a series, Mary! Thanks to the trio of you for feeding our souls …
Yes it is! The collaboration with Emily and Jeanne has been a beautiful blessing. Thank you for following along!
May we learn more of our uniqueness and walk in it! Thank you for this series! Blessings and hugs to you, Mary!
Blessing to you too. Thank you for joining us in this journey. I pray your week is blessed, Trudy.
Thanks once again for this lovely intro, Mary. That “whatever she (or he!) is having” mentality can sneak up on us, no matter our background–whether we’re surrounded by brothers, sisters, or friends. Like you said, life can see easier when we copy, but God has called us to something better.
I so appreciate you participating in this series! Thank you for all your insights!!
I have loved joining you in writing this series. You helped us to finish well and even though we spent six weeks on this topic we could continue to write about it and never cover all that needs to be explored and said. Thank you for this opportunity and for bringing me in with you and Jeanne.
Growing up with four brothers must have had its trials and its rewards! Thanks for adding to this series M. It’s been good.
Four brothers helped prepare me to be a mom to two sons. For the most part we got along well but as with any siblings there will those moments. I was blessed to be part of the series with Emily and Jeanne.
Oh, my goodness, I’ve never thought about it before, but I have done that — trying to fit in my making the invisible choice, not trusting my own heart.
Congratulations, Mary, Emily, and Jeanne, for carrying out this mission of encouragement to its lovely conclusion!
Thank you for faithfully joining us each week, Michele! It has been a journey of the heart and awakening of who and whose we are. Praying we all know we are chosen and approved and are fully known in Christ.
What a great story about the toy dog. Aren’t we like that? And it’s so easy to see from the story how that’s not a good idea. But in real life, it’s not so easy sometimes. Thanks for sharing your spot with Emily today, Mary, and thanks for this awesome series!
I have loved being a part of this series. Each perspective has taught me and there is such joy in sharing the writing with two amazing women. Thanks Jeanne and Emily. Glad you joined us Betsy for at least part of the series. Hugs and blessings!
Emily wrote a splendid essay; it surely made me think.
Emily did an amazing job. I have loved reading the perspectives that she and Jeanne have brought to the series. Blessed by your strength to stop by and comment.