My morning wake up call is more enjoyable these days. The sun makes its appearance earlier and even has decided to show off. Streaks of bright orange paired with deep reds are just what my soul needs to wake up out of the winter slumber.
This past weekend we moved our clocks forward an hour in an ode to spring. The stretch of daylight hours into the evening shifts my outlook and mental capacity even when a few cold days still linger.
How can one seemingly insignificant change alter our perspective so drastically? Just when it looks like gray skies are a permanent fixture, we find a brilliant blue hidden behind ready to reveal itself.
All of God’s creation is like this. Things hidden one day were revealed the next as God created the world and declared “it is good.” The insignificant becomes significant in an instant all because God unveiled His glory in day and night, the moon and the sun and all of the creatures of the Earth.
Creation itself was the beginning. The new life God promised arrived as the world began to right itself on its axis. And it is this promise that Jesus took with Him to the cross thousands of years ago. The hope of brilliant sunrises and sunsets, but mostly the glory of new life.

I believe we begin our walk to the cross recognizing the gift of creation. Celebrating an indescribable beauty that marked the start of all we hold dear as believers. Fresh hope makes its way into our hearts as the deep slumber of winter lifts. Do you feel it too?
God declares all of creation is good. He shows delights in us by sending His son, Jesus, a model of human perfection. What was–now becomes reality. Jesus endured the walk to the cross to gift us with resurrected hearts, minds, and souls.
As I finish up this post, I am looking through my somewhat dirty windows at the bright sunshine. The glow lights up the trees and bushes and its almost as if they lean toward the sun to embrace its warmth.
What would it look like for you and me to do the same? How would that change our journey to the cross this year? And, would our lives change as a result?
Creation’s journey to the cross began when God designed the world and all that’s in it. It was a foreshadowing of what is to come. God lovingly laid this foundation as a way for us to see Him in everything. We have an opportunity to recognize the good on our walk to the cross even when our life is laced with challenges. God reminds us of this goodness:
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Genesis 1:31
This year I am carrying the gift of creation with me to the cross. The knowledge that new life is waiting prompts me to lean in to gather more. Just like the trees bending toward the sun, my whole being opens, stretches, and reaches toward the One who promises new life.

In this season, we recognize our present suffering and future glory. God promises that we will experience both, but He also promises we are never alone in the journey. Let’s name the things that challenge us as well as those that bring us joy. Together we can lay them at the cross and know that God picks up our burdens as a sign of selfless love.
Creation's journey to the cross began when God designed the world and all that's in it. #Lent #TellHisStory Share on XMay we see the truth in these words from Romans and hear God’s heart in the message. Let’s remember Jesus in His journey as we walk our own path to the cross this Lent.
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. Romans 8:18-21

**Join Tell His Story next week as we welcome, Michele Morin, as our featured writer. She will share her story and wisdom. You don’t want to miss it.
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This is a beautiful perspective, Mary. I do feel that fresh hope you write about … what a blessing that God is in the business of making all things new, starting with creation and continuing with us. I’m so looking forward to reading Michele’s words next week …
Thank you, Lois! I pray you find scatterings of new creation all around you as God paves the way for you to follow Him. Blessings!
This is absolutely beautiful and perfectly timed. I leave tomorrow for a few days in a beautiful spot to enjoy some nature and I will take these thoughts with me. laurensparks.net
I pray your trip into nature has restored and refreshed you. Many blessings on the upcoming week.
When grief seems so long and hard, it is almost impossible to cling to creation yet I know that resurrection comes out of the ashes. This really spoke to me today “Creation’s journey to the cross began when God designed the world and all that’s in it. It was a foreshadowing of what is to come. God lovingly laid this foundation as a way for us to see Him in everything. We have an opportunity to recognize the good on our walk to the cross even when our life is laced with challenges. God reminds us of this goodness” Thanks for your words dear friend! Let us all find the glory of creation that is good even when that is hard in the midst of loss and grief!
How glorious that even when darkness and ashes overshadow your own path, you still find the light that is always there. You are showing myself and others that walking through grief is hard, but worth the tears as you heal and learn more about who you are.
I love reading how God stirs your heart to love and reach for Him more and more, Mary! It inspires all of us, especially as we anticipate Resurrection Day. Our minds need to be led to the foot of the cross as well as to look up to the wide open skies that opened for Jesus’ triumphant entry! Hugs to you!
Thank you! The journey is not complete until we take in the whole view, walk through the darkness, turn to the light, and find that Jesus was with us every step of the way. Love and hugs!
“Fresh hope makes its way into our hearts as the deep slumber of winter lifts. Do you feel it too?” Yes! Their is comfort in the rhythms of the seasons — from born, to buried, to alive again. God’s endless mercy that is new every day.
I agree! The rhythms transition from one season to the next provides security and familiarity. I love how God blesses us in the process. Thank you for always saying just the right thing.
Amen! Redeemed is better than perfect! Great post beautifully written! I stopped by for the link up, this is my first time. Will be back! Many Thanks 8)
Thank you for joining us for the Tell His Story linkup. It is a wonderful community that is made better by people like you. I appreciate your kind words and pray you find more signs of redemption as we move into the wonderful season of spring.
“I believe we begin our walk to the cross recognizing the gift of creation. Celebrating an indescribable beauty that marked the start of all we hold dear as believers. Fresh hope makes it way into our hearts as the deep slumber of winter lifts. Do you feel it too?” Yes! Definitely, yes!
I love this!!! Any time a writer weaves creation to our redemption I end up in chills. Thank you for this one!! <3
Thank you for these kind words. I am intrigued with the change of seasons and the transition from winter to spring really highlights the glory of creation. I am thrilled that you found affirmation in the creation theme and pray that God continues to teach you more as we move through this season of Lent.
I love how you weave a thread from creation to the cross to our current situations. How true, and how beautiful!
I shared an IGTV video about the hope that spring brings, and the power of turning to the sun. It is not lost on my the parallels between the sun and the Son.
There is such a deep connection that comes as a believer when we speak of the sun and the Son. It is just one more of the beautiful details that God outlines for each of us. Thank you for joining in the conversation and for being so encouraging.
Wonderful post, Mary! So much truth and hope for a brighter future ahead. Blessings to you!
Thank you, Connie! I pray you experience hope in the transition to spring. Blessings to you too.
This is a beautiful post, Mary, and I love the photos. There is such hope in new life as Spring begins – although the clocks don’t go forward here for another couple of weeks! It makes a big difference when the evenings are lighter for longer.
I love the promise and hope that comes with the change of seasons. It is especially evident when moving from winter to spring. Darkness to light, barrenness to new life. And yes the time change makes me happy after I recover from losing an hour! 😉
Dear Mary,
These words are so precious to me today: “In this season, we recognize our present suffering and future glory. God promises that we will experience both, but He also promises we are never alone in the journey.” It seems to be the place where I am living now, holding the tension of the now and the not yet. I am so very grateful that HE is here with me in this, walking towards His glorious resurrection!
I sense you are in this place in the middle. You are facing uncertainty but yet you continue to point us all toward hope. The truth that I know and hold onto is that I am never alone. We can carry that promise with us no matter where we are on the journey. Thank you for being here. Sending love and hugs!
This is beautiful, Mary. What grabbed me the most is the leaning toward the Son and His warmth and love. “Just like the trees bending toward the sun, my whole being opens, stretches, and reaches toward the One who promises new life.” God’s creation can teach us so much, can’t it? I love how you point out how the journey to the cross starts out with Creation. I always love your photos, too. Love and blessings to you!
I agree. I am a nature girl and spending time outside fills me with joy. Just what God wants for us. I always appreciate your sweet comments about my photos since you are a photographer too and of course your brother produces extraordinary work. Thank you for joining in the conversation and encouraging me.
Dear Mary, thanks for this invitation to Lent, for appreciation for creation and its whisperings to us, for the hope of the promise of spring.
A lovely start to what looks to be a beautiful day after far too many gray skies …
We actually have had some peeks of sunshine around here and it’s glorious. Praying you feel the promise in the transition to spring and hear the whispers of God to join Him in the journey.
I’m marveling at God’s wisdom in setting Jesus’ death and resurrection during the spring season that pictures resurrection on every hand. Coming from the dark, cold, and dormant landscape to warmth, new growth, increased light – what a glorious picture of new life in Christ and redemption of all our trials and troubles in coming glory.
It just affirms that God has thought of every detail. The transition from winter to spring and from Lent to the resurrection. Just perfect! Thank you for adding to the conversation.
Mary, this is a beautiful and powerful post. I am so grateful we never journey alone. He joins us in those challenging times to point us to the hope we have in Him. Blessings!
PS – I am looking forward to reading Michele’s words next week 🙂
Here’s to all the hope we find on our own journey to the cross. God, our Hope Provider, is always with us. I pray you find beauty and peace in every step you take.
I never want to miss Michele’s words, Mary. They are such a treat! I’ll be back. 👍
Michele is a beautiful teacher with her words. I am glad you will be back next week to read her post.
Really looking forward to next week–and, Mary, there was so much delicious theology in this post. I’ve been spending some time in Romans 8, thinking about the groaning of creation and God’s good promise to restore. Spring is a tiny metaphor for the ultimate restoration of all things, and you’ve helped me to anticipate it this morning!
Romans 8 is my favorite. Have you been reading Trillia Newbell’s study on Romans 8? I find it so fitting that Lent falls in this time of seasons transitioning and spring arriving. It helps me to see creation and the gift God gives us in every season, whether it is a season outside, in our heart, or a church calendar change. Don’t you love how God works?
Beautiful words, Mary. I think what became most alive in my heart this morning was leaning toward the Son. In a season of life that feels very busy, and at times, overwhelming, I really, REALLY need to be leaning toward His warmth and love. Thank you so much for that reminder.
I am praying for you, Jeanne as you walk through this busy season. May you feel God’s strength and warmth in the long days and know that He is always with you. Love you friend!
Beautiful, Mary. Taking the goodness of creation to the cross, enduring present suffering while hoping for future glory. Thank you for such an invitation to join you in this fresh perspective. May God bless the work of your hands today. In Christ, Julie
Thank you for reading and commenting. I love how God teaches me through my writing and I pray He does the same for others. May we see the beauty of creation in all and know that this gift is one that began it all.