With the setting of the sun – day is done!
Darkness blankets the earth and wraps all in its warm embrace
Stillness and slumber envelop us and a peaceful calm fills our beings
We rest and fall asleep to the promise of a new day – a new dawn!
Our country was built on the foundation of a better life, peace and promises of a better place for all. Our country was built on the backbone of hardworking men and women who never gave up moving toward this dream. Â Our country is made of many heroes who believed in the USA and fought for our freedom.
Each day, people we have never met, stand firm on the foundation that our country is worth fighting for and when day is done, they fall asleep and dream of the promise of a better tomorrow.
As we honor all the heroes in our lives, let’s pause and give thanks for the blessings of hard work, promises of a better life and the willingness to do what it takes – all important components to building a firm foundation.
Let us remember that God’s creation- built on His love and belief in humankind has provided us the example of how to sustain all we have been given. God’s glory is manifested through each of us and the belief that all creation in turns honors God.
 Thank God! He deserves your thanks.
His love never quits.
Thank the God of all gods,
His love never quits.
Thank the Lord of all lords.
His love never quits.
 Thank the miracle-working God,
His love never quits.
The God whose skill formed the cosmos,
His love never quits.
The God who laid out earth on ocean foundations,
His love never quits.
The God who filled the skies with light,
His love never quits.
The sun to watch over the day,
His love never quits.
Moon and stars as guardians of the night,
His love never quits. Psalm 136:1-9 The Message
Happy Fourth of July to all!
Linking with these beautiful bloggers!
What a beautiful post for the 4th of July. I am so glad you sharing with TWW. I am sorry it took me a few days to stop by. As a military family with my husband serving in harms way currently and my son leaving shortly what you shared was greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words, Beth. I pray for those serving and cannot imagine what it is like for them and the families waiting back home. Your courage and grace has blessed me. Continued prayers are coming your way!
Amen, Mary! We have so much to be grateful for here in this country of ours. And much of it was paid for with the lives of our young men and women. You’ve led the way today, reminding us to give thanks to those servicemen and women as well as to our amazing Maker, my friend! I’m sorry it took me so long to swing by. My life is just too crazy lately, but I think of you often and have prayed for those two boys daily. Hugs!
A crazy life can be a good or bad thing. Hopefully many blessings are laced throughout your busyness. I appreciate your kind words and am humbled as always that you stopped by today. Your prayers for the two boys will make a difference. At least I know the one boy and siblings are safe with their real dad. Love you friend!
I am so thankful for the principals this nation was built on, and I pray that one day soon America will return to that foundation. Have a blessed weekend!
I pray also that America and its people love our country for all that it stands for and show it in their daily actions toward each other. Thanks for stopping by!
Love this too, Mary. Your blog is always encouraging and outwardly showing love. 🙂 Thank you for that.
Your words of encouragement are so dear to me! Getting to know you has been such a blessing in my life.
Love this post, Mary! As a military family, we appreciate the support of those who recognize the sacrifice. What great blessings God has given us to build that foundation of life on. Thank you for sharing this post with us at Testimony Tuesday.
You’re welcome, Holly! Hard work, perseverance and belief in what you are doing has helped build our country into what it is today. There are so many unsung heroes that need to be recognized for all of the above. In turn we then need to shine the gratitude back to God who chose us to be His children. Love when you stop by, my friend!
Mary, a beautiful reminder of the foundation our country was built on and how we need to appreciate it every day of the year, not just the Fourth of July.
Thanks, Terri! Can’t wait to hear about your trip into our country’s history on the 4th of July! Blessings for safe travels!
Overflowing gratitude and full appreciation. A heartfelt thanks uttered outloud. A cherishing for what is ours. This, our gift in return.
Amen! Love your words here and the confirmation of returning God’s gift back to Him in gratitude! Blessings!
I thank God for my hero, my husband Jack, who served this country for 20 years in the Marine Corp.
I thank God for Jack and all the other unsung heroes that because of their work and belief have created and built upon the foundation of our country! Thanks for stopping by Karen!