Today we welcome Wren Robbins, Friends of a Feather podcast host, lover of the Enneagram and a blogger. She writes and shares the ins and outs of the life of an Enneagram Six. Please welcome her and let her know if you know any sixes in the comments.

Finding out my Enneagram number was a relief.  For weeks I tried figuring out my number and the third time of taking the test it was settled, I was a Six.  At first, the Six types on the Enneagram sounded great to me.  I’m the Loyalist, oh yes! But digging deeper I read that it’s also known as the Loyal Skeptic…skeptic. uh, okay, maybe not sounding so great, now. 

It’s funny because I feel like when we meet new people we should introduce ourselves, shake their hand and say, “Hello, I’m Wren and I’m an Enneagram Six with a 7 wing, nice to meet you.” 

To risk not sounding overly dramatic, the Enneagram Typing Personality System has improved every single relationship I have.  Sure, there are some pitfalls of knowing a lot about the Enneagram and a lot of cop-outs you hear, but it is the single one thing that has opened up my eyes to talking, relating, and understanding others well in light of the gospel. 

The Enneagram Six, when healthy is a delightful person who is funny, loyal to those closest to them, and as Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile say, “…the most faithful and dependable people on the Enneagram.”  In fact, I read that this type represents more than half of the people in the world. 


Let’s talk about pitfalls in the life of a Six and get them out of the way.  Remember, I  have a 7 wing, so my “let’s not sit in painful areas” personality kicks in sometimes. 

We often doubt ourselves. When making decisions, it is extremely hard not to feel confident in those decisions.  We don’t want you to make the decision for us, but we desire assurance that we are on the right track. But, there are other times, when we are fully confident in our decisions.  There is a type of push and pull in the life of a Six. We are very layered and pretty complicated.   We can vacillate between having full confidence in what we are doing is God’s will to swinging all the way back to feeling insecure and in need of reassurance.

The What-Ifs

The sin that so easily besets an Enneagram Six is being anxious.  Not to be confused with being fearful.  Fear is something we all have inside.  If I’m in the woods and I see a snake, I am going to have fear and it is a God-given healthy fear.  But, the main struggle of a six is this thought of the worst case ‘what if’s’ that creates anxiety in a person.  If not controlled by the Holy Spirit, the ‘what if’s’ can take over a sixes life and they will live in constant defeat and anxiety.  

I remember one of the scariest things I have ever been through.  One day at my job as a Kindergarten teacher, my vision suddenly was impaired.  I could see but my vision had changed in a big way.  I was so overwrought with the “what if’s worst-case scenarios” I could think of.  Later that week, I remember sitting in front of an eye specialist and he looked at me and said, “You need to relax.” Easier said than done, in the life of a Six.  My eyes were good, it was a common thing, hormones played into it and it was going to be okay.  The sin that easily besets was kicking in, and all I could think about was myself. I was no longer focusing on Jesus and allowing His peace to come and dwell with me. 

Sixes can also be the type that can change the world if we can combat our negative thoughts.  It is so important for us as Sixes to take stand our ground that the enemy tries to take, put on the full armor of God and retrain our brains “…to think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.” Philippians 4:8

Sixes can become some of the most fun, steady and undemanding companions in the world. Join us for a look into the life of an Enneagram Six. #EnneaWhat #enneagramseries #TellHisStory #linkup Share on X


I love that as Enneagram Sixes, we usually have a plan.  We like predictability, knowing schedules a month (or two) in advance, and having order.  Security is one of our main needs and we love it when we have rules to follow.  

When making decisions, we think about how this will affect not just one person but everyone as a whole.  If I am going to post something about my son on Instagram, my mind goes straight to the friend who is walking through infertility and how this post may affect her in some way.  There are always exceptions, but thinking of the greater good is on our hearts and minds when making decisions. 

We love to be part of the community and are very diplomatic because we usually see both sides to any given situation.  When we get the reassurance that we seek, Ian and Suzanne say that “they(Sixes) can become some of the most fun, steady and undemanding companions in the world.” And that’s not a bad thing at all.  

I’m grateful for what the Enneagram has taught me looking at it through a gospel lens knowing that ONLY Jesus can make me secure, that I’m never alone, that He is trustworthy and I can trust Him. Praise Him. 

**Such good insight from Wren Robbins today. I do not know any sixes so this post helped me to understand my future six friends. When we gather next week, Lisa Burgess will share about the Enneagram Five. She wraps up our series. I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have.

Wren is a believer in Christ, wife, mom, former Kindergarten teacher, and podcaster.  For the past 16 years, she has been married to Jim.  They have one son and two dogs, Addy and Behr.  They live on 2 acres outside of Memphis, TN and love it. Wren is the host of the Friends of a Feather Podcast having uplifting conversations with women like you every Friday.  You can find her at  & on Instagram

Four Enneagram resources I recommend:

1. Listen to Friends of a Feather Podcast: Summer Enneagram Series Ep. 84-94 My friend, Michele Dyer, Enneagram expert joined me in this 11 episode series on each type of the Enneagram. The average episode is 30 minutes long and is packed full of insight! 

2. Get and read the book, “The Road Back to You” by Ian Cron & Suzanne Stabile 

3. The “Your Enneagram Coach” account is a great resource on Instagram. Recently, there was a post entitled Gospel Messages for Sixes in your Life.  I have printed that and pray it over myself most days.  It has been a great prayer tool for me. 

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