As 2022 was drawing to a close, God began pointing me in a new direction. For the duration of my writing life since 2012, I have written words of encouragement, worked to deepen my faith and hopefully yours, and shared real life in the context of who God is and who He says we are.
Every year as the calendar flips to a new year, God encourages me to consider what it looks like to live equipped and empowered. Not just to make it through the day, but to know that God is the source of our strength. He is the key to living intentional and full lives.
In this year of pivoting, God still calls me to do all those things. The change is that my focus will center on legacy within the context of living life well.
Learning about legacy.
Growing a legacy.
Leaving a legacy.
How God grows us as individuals to create an overflow of His abundance to share with others.
The beauty of this is that it’s not really a pivot. I pray that everything I do, say, and write leads others to Him. Isn’t that what legacy is all about?
I am learning one of the reasons that God chose the word freedom for me this year was to surrender to Him and to intentionally choose to live my life well.
Boarding the freedom train will show my children and grandchildren the importance of letting go to achieve true freedom in Christ. That’s a gift I pray I instill in my family.
What is Legacy?
God has equipped and empowered each of us to live the story of our lives. How we choose to live our lives and reflect God’s love is all part of our legacy.
So how do we define legacy?
Leaving a legacy means giving something that will be valued and treasured by those who survive after your death. (Source unknown)
Legacy is leaving a piece of who you are and your journey with God to your loved ones. (My definition)
Years ago when my sons were getting ready to go to high school, I hoped they would apply to a local, prestigious all-boys high school. I remember that a part of the application process was naming your legacy. In other words, who in your family had gone to this high school?
The good news is that my dad and all four of my brothers had gone to this high school so I felt confident in this “legacy” for my sons.
Neither of my sons ended up choosing this high school for a lot of different reasons. Recalling this story and sharing it with you is proof that legacy means all kinds of things to all of us.
The lesson I learned from this is that choosing to follow in the same footsteps as the ones who have gone before you is not a necessity when leaving your legacy.
The Equipped and Empowered Life
Living intentionally, remaining present to what is happening right now, and choosing contentment over the things you cannot control is legacy.
God calls us to live equipped and empowered lives. He also provides exactly what we need in order to live a life that honors Him.
As I was sending out my newsletter last week, I shared that there is no magic formula to living a life that creates a lasting legacy. It is all God-driven. But we ultimately decide how we live, who we live for, and what we leave behind.

I want to assure you that you might not notice any difference in my writing at all as I reframe my focus.
You may see a new hashtag #legacyofferings.
Maybe my posts will draw you into living your life well.
Maybe I will specifically focus on ways to create a legacy.
God knows what my future writing will hold.
I know that God is calling me to reach out to my readers to equip and empower them to live intentionally and fully in whatever stage of life they are in.
Why? Because God wants to empower me to do the same for myself.
Maybe it’s based on the sense that I am closer to the end than the beginning.
Maybe it’s from a place of my deep love for my grands and my kids.
Or it might be because God continues to advance my story so I can do the same for you.
The reason does not matter as much as the One who is leading me forward in my writing.
I’ve left you all with a lot to ponder. You may have more questions than answers in your current stage of life. Or you may still be living in the overwhelmed season of life.
Let’s walk this out together. Let’s call upon God when the days are long but the years are short. He can’t wait to walk with you.
Empowering and equipping women to live life well!

Here’s another post that shares more of my own journey. Click HERE.
Mary, this is a beautifully captivating message. I was so encouraged to hear where God is leading your focus. This>” we ultimately decide how we live, who we live for, and what we leave behind.” is so true indeed. Blessings sweet friend.
Hi Paula!
Thank you for your kind encouragement. God is constantly teaching me and I imagine it feels the same way for you too. Blessings to you too.
This is so timely Mary as just this week I have been mulling over the legacy that is left behind, good or bad for those who remain.
I think it is a huge responsibility as it has repercussions for eternity.
I look forward to seeing what God has for you in this interesting theme.
Blessings sweet friend, Jennifer
Legacy does have repercussions for eternity but as believers, we have a good Father who will direct our steps if we ask. Thank you for being here and leaving a little wisdom for me.
That He does Mary.
“God calls us to live equipped and empowered lives. He also provides exactly what we need in order to live a life that honors Him.” Amen! I’m reminded by your words to be content in what I have instead of striving toward a certain legacy. He knows! The other day my 14 year-old granddaughter said she wanted me to continue doing guitar lessons with her (even though I feel like I am holding her back from her potential), and I glowed inside thinking I’d be leaving behind the legacy of “grandma supported my dreams…” Legacy don’t need to be complicated, do they? They can be simply that “her support and faith made a difference that carries on.”
What a sweet gift to share guitar lessons with your granddaughter. I know the gift of time in whatever capacity is a legacy-creating activity. Thank you for pointing out that choosing contentment in life is so important. It was a reminder to myself and I’m glad it is a reminder for you too. Legacy is baking cookies with a loved one, reading side by side with a friend, and most especially living a life that honors God. I hope you are doing well friend!
Mary, this post was beautiful. It’s interesting to me as I have been thinking about my life and my writing. Perhaps though, I did not think of it as “legacy”. My desire is for all I do and say to point to Jesus. To make others see Him and think about Him. You have beautifully labeled this “a legacy season.” May my children and grandchildren more than anything else, remember how I chose to live my life and I pray that I have reflected God’s love.
You said this so beautifully. Your writing is a big piece of your legacy. I have no doubt that your words will carry on in your kids and grandkids. I also pray that my kids and grandkids see the love and goodness of God in me. Thank you for being here.
Mary, this was beautiful. As we prepare to launch our sons, I find myself thinking more and more about the lessons we’ve tried to instill in them. Most of all, my husband and I yearn to see them have and live out hearts fully devoted to their Heavenly Father. The jury is still out on how that legacy may manifest in their lives.
This definition: “Living intentionally, remaining present to what is happening right now, and choosing contentment over the things you cannot control is legacy.”
Really resonated with me! You’re focusing on such a powerful topic, my friend!
I’m not sure we ever know what our legacy looks like. I believe that with God’s help, we can instill trust and faith in our kids and then pray that they carry it forward.
I know God is faithful and the work that you and your husband are doing to build into your sons is not going unnoticed. God is with you and your sons as you set them free. Love you friend!
I, too, am in this legacy season, Mary. The thing I want my kids and grandkids to remember above all is the unconditional, faithful love of Jesus. I pray it may be reflected in all I say or do. That jar of light in that top pic reminds me of how as kids we would catch fireflies in a jar and then go to the back of our parents’ deep, dark closet where their light would shine so brightly. How we need the light of Jesus to light our way! Thank you for these thoughts to ponder. Love and blessings to you!
Yes, I want my kids to also remember that God loves them unconditionally. I didn’t think of the jar as a reminder of catching fireflies. What a sweet memory. May we all seek Jesus and know that He is the light in our darkness.
Mary, I’m reminded that often it’s the small things we don’t remember that impact others. Staying in step with my Lord leaves footprints for others that I may not even see.
Well said! When we stay in step with the Lord, He is orchestrating the results. Thank you for being here, Debbie!
You’re so right, Mary. This is our legacy season. We might not be able to figure out the details but still we lean into who God might have us to be.
This sure beats continually wondering where all those decades went …
I love how you call it our legacy season. I am loving that I am finally coming into my own. It only took me sixty-something years. Thank you for always being such a voice of reason and encouragement.
I’m grateful that we are not required to carry on in the same vein as our families of origin. So often my heart rejoices that God is doing a new thing in my little home.
I’m also sensing that I am standing at a decision point with my writing. If Ohio weren’t so far away, I would be setting up a coffee date with you to wrestle with all the questions around this!
There is so much that I learned from my parents that I want to carry on and teach my kids and grandkids. But on the other hand, God has a story for me and my story is one I want to have my kids and grandkids carry forward.
I wish we weren’t so far away either. A coffee date sounds lovely but if you would like a conversation, I am only a phone call away.