And so – we write for five minutes, our words tumbling out – no editing, no polishing – just flat out on a one word prompt! We gather all our beautiful thoughts here in our Five Minute Friday community and then love on each other as only we can do! Click here to learn all about it.

Home is where the Five Minute Friday community gathers so please join us at Kate Motaung’s for our Friday fun!



As I sit here and think back to who I was and who I am becoming, I realize that as life changes, I try to change with it. But what happens when life changes quickly and transitions come at you so fast that holding on is all you can do. How do you handle life then? 


I am seeking my identity, who I am, but find I have no name. Doubt floods my mind as I hold onto who I was, a teacher, but in looking forward I can’t see who I am becoming. Retirement can do that to you. It is a transition from knowing exactly who you are into a life that is unclear. Doubt clouds the picture of who you are and who you hope to be. God takes the picture and focuses it until you know exactly who are becoming.

Jesus says…

 “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Luke 24:38

Any doubt that I am feeling right now about what I am supposed to call myself is totally erased by God, who assures me that when He is ready, it will all become clear. The picture, which appears to be out of focus now, will soon be sharp and beautiful. The doubt of who I am will be replaced by God, who has always known me and always will. We are known by God because He chose to know us first.

[Tweet “We are known by God because He chose to know us first. #fmfparty #passagethroughgrace”]

So when I share wonderings in this new season, please remember to..

Be merciful to those who doubt Jude 1:22

And know that when God is ready and the next step happens, you will all be the first to know.






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