It’s Five Minute Friday and I am joining Lisa-Jo Baker and other FMF girls to write flat out for five minutes. No editing, no polishing, and then linking up together. I am loving this challenge! I hope you enjoy it too! Check out what Five Minute Friday is all about here!



Summer time…

Long days stretching widely from dawn until dusk

Sunshine reaching for miles and warming us with heat and humidity

Moments with family and friends turning into memories to be stored to tide us through the long winter

Slow, lazy pace of no-schedule days that linger and melt together into the next day

Summer feels like one, big E X H A L E (feel the breath escaping)


It’s the ebb and flow of the ocean reflecting a clear, turquoise colored sky

It’s the rhythm of knowing that life does not need to be rushed but savored like a double-dip ice cream cone.

EXHALE the stress, breathe in God! Let Him become your next inhale. Deeply breathe in God’s grace and goodness so it fills every pore and washes over you! Allow God to become the inhale to your exhale! Allow each breath to be God’s whisper of love touching your heart and your exhale will restore you with all you were meant to be.

This summer let your exhale make room for God to breathe His life into you!

God, the Master, told the dry bones, “Watch this: I’m bringing the breath of life to you and you’ll come to life. I’ll attach sinews to you, put meat on your bones, cover you with skin, and breathe life into you. You’ll come alive and you’ll realize that I am God!” Ezekiel 37:5-6 MSG


How will you exhale and make room for God this summer?



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