It’s Five Minute Friday and I am joining Lisa-Jo Baker and other FMF girls to write flat out for five minutes. No editing, no polishing, and then linking up together. This is my first time taking the plunge into a “quick” write on one word. Here goes!


Ribbons of white across the edge of the paper

Puddles oozing out from under the corner of a piece of  turquoise blue construction paper

Bottle caps crusted over

Bright orange lids –  permanently stuck in place

All visual reminders to me of glue – a messy, sticky substance that as a teacher I ask students to use the default instead – a glue stick  – on all projects.

More often than not my life resembles a puddle of messiness with sticky, unformed spots that dry in a hard bubble. Glue is meant to hold things together – hopefully permanently. My life, however, represents all the parts of glue that make me cringe when it is my only choice for a project.

There are moments in my life when I am “crusted” over because my outer shell has hardened over life’s struggles.

Other times, I am oozing emotion due to heartache, loss or unexpected happiness.

Life also has moments that reflect a straight and narrow path on track to accomplishing each task according to plan – the perfect ribbon edging the page in a straight line.

Today as my heart is heavy for all Jesus endured to make my life better, I am reminded that each step toward the cross, each strike of the nail into His hands and feet, each drop of blood shed and the sharp, intake of each breath was for each of us. Jesus’ final act became the glue to hold us all together. Through the outpouring of Jesus’ blood, His grace was given freely – a gift that binds us as glue to His word, His love, His truth and His redemption for all.










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