Reflections on a year gone by led me to today. I ended last year immersed in the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love. Annie F. Downs challenged me to determine what it would be like to carry these gifts into the new year. And since then I cannot get that thought out of my mind.

I believe we all have an invitation to a new year of hope. Last year’s mess and brokenness do not define who we are as we walk into 2023.

Then again there is some hesitancy as I take the first step. Hope feels big and out of reach. I remember the hard parts of 2022 and my mind begins to replay the memories.

May I encourage you to press stop immediately? I am doing the same for myself.

The Hard is not the Boss of You

If you accept the invitation to a new year of hope, then the demanding parts of last year cannot rule your hearts and minds as you step into this year. Sounds simple, right??

The truth of the matter is that as difficult as some of my days were it was nothing compared to what others have gone through. Somehow hope still seeped through the cracks of my heart.

The good news is that the invitation to come back to Jesus is always open.

When life feels overwhelming, turn to Jesus.

When your hope is waning, return to Jesus.

If you stumble and fall, remember Jesus is your strength.

Be present right where you are. The hard won’t have room to enter because your focus is on the here and now, not the past or future.

Hope is an answer when you are uncertain, lost, or grieving because HOPE is Jesus who is the beginning, end, and in-between. Invitation to a New Year of Hope Share on X

You can let go of the pieces of your life that come to overwhelm you because you have all you need in Jesus.

Trust where you are and pay attention to the One who wrote your story. God weaves the varied facets of your life into a beautiful story written just for you.

God didn’t write our stories to cause us pain or to lose the hope that we know belongs to Him. The truth of who we are is that God calls us beloved, cherished, adored, beautiful, and enough in Him.

Embracing this truth feels like the gateway to hope in God. What else can we ask ourselves as we accept the invitation to a new year of hope?

Questions to Ask as You Seek Hope in the New Year

How does your perspective change when you carry the gift of Jesus into the new year?

When it feels stressful to answer this question, pray these words: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts” (Psalm 139:23, NIV).

What does your hope look like?

Sometimes you may place hope in another person or a special event. This can lead to disappointment. Let these words serve as a reminder of who carries your hope.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13, NIV).

How do you remain present in your life?

Life is busy. It’s easy to get distracted. You may feel out of focus and off track. Turn to God’s words from John 15:7 to bring you back to the present.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

The Advent wreath is put away and the light from the candles is just a memory. How do you keep alive the expectancy and hope of Advent as you enter this new year?

There is always a sense of sadness when Christmas is over because it is time to put the decorations away. It is the time of year when darkness descends rapidly each day while spreading into other areas of my life. There is a greater sense of urgency for me to seek the light, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If this is you too, I pray these words from 1 John bless you.

“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5, NIV).

The Invitation to a New Year of Hope is Yours

Accept the invitation of hope. Let it be the gift that remains with you wherever you go.

Seek hope in the ordinary, the messy, and the celebrations of life. Turn to Jesus.

Hope is God’s gift to you and me. He sent it to the world through the message and life of His son, Jesus.

Let’s work toward making this a New Year of Hope. I would love for you to share what this will look like in your life.

Empowering women to leave a legacy that is God-honoring and soul-filling!

It seems “Hope” is a topic I have written about many times over the years. Although I could list all of the posts here for you to read, I am listing one that I wrote two years ago as we moved into a new year.

Click HERE to read this post. If you would like more on hope, type HOPE into the search bar and it will take you to my other posts.




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