The cracks in the sidewalk resemble my soul, ridges and grooves mark off sections into the compartments of my life-God, family, church, work and fun.

Twigs, scattered leaves and pebbles gather to fill the crevices, much like my insecurities, weaknesses and doubt that soaks in to cloud my soul.

A journey of footsteps wearing down the familiar path traveling daily to the same places. My footsteps uncertain as they follow a path to where my heart leads them.

let go and let me

The sidewalk is marked by a distinct beginning and end – the destination is clear. My life leads me in circles as I follow the proverbial rainbow to track down the pot of gold.

A sound filters through the echoes of my footsteps on the pavement, distinct words float through the haze of my mind, A voice that clearly says “Let go and let me”-over and over the words repeat and my walking comes to a halt.

[Tweet “God’s voice reminds us to “let go and let me. I am enough!””]

Come on over to The Weekend Brew where my sweet friend Barbie and I host a weekend of sharing a daily cup of grace and lots of encouragement. There you will find how letting go and letting God is a chance for His grace to shine through our weaknesses.








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