Lost and found. Every school has one. Most businesses also dedicate a place or a corner to house a lost and found. My experience with this idea is that over and over the lost remains lost and is not found as often as it is lost. Schools end up with an abundance of winter coats, hats and mittens by the end of each school year. The question remains-who do they belong to?

Why do things get lost and remain lost? Do we desire to remain stuck in the lost rather than seek the chance to be found?

Throughout our lives there are times we are lost and found again. We lose our way, lose a friend, lose a job or feel loss over what we dreamed and the eventual reality. Over the last year, I have shared stories of change in my life. I realize that this change involves loss, but I categorize them as life changes. Retirement, caring for my dad, watching one son get married with the other son following soon in his footsteps. I have been choosing to remain lost over and over instead of letting go of what is not mine anymore. By holding on tight to what has already been set free, I am losing myself over and over.

For the last two weeks, I began digging into letting go and what this looks like in all of our lives. Hanging on with a white knuckle grip and kicking and screaming as each piece of growing up turns into letting go, seems to be my mantra. I find the world moving along at a brisk pace while I am stuck on a broken escalator. I am lost and having a hard time admitting I want to be found. Last week I began to explore three reasons why letting go helps you to find the “you” God created.

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As I was hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains, I saw several stacks of stones just waiting to be found. Some were stacked perfectly and others had a misplaced stone or two. I found myself in the stones. Weird, but true! God showed me that the journey of letting go is like an intricate, intentional pile of stones. Sometimes the pathway lines up perfectly and other times you find yourself turned around and unsettled. You might hang on to the past like a stone that is balanced precariously. Other times, you are firm in understanding that letting go is a beginning like the foundation stone that has been placed with purpose.

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If you are in a season of feeling lost while at the same time yearning to be found, God has a purpose for you. In the continual act of letting go and the grief that accompanies each phase, God is by your side. He is in the loss, grief and waiting. God shows up when you are lost. You are found in the moment when your heart beats as one with His.

[Tweet “We are found in the moment when our heart begins to beat as one with God’s.”]

One stone intentionally placed looks like one baby step forward. Another stone stacked on top is a piece you let go of as you travel through the different seasons of life. A pile of stones, whether standing straight or crooked, is the hope we find in Jesus as we trust Him to make sure we don’t topple over.

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When we are lost, we are always found in Jesus.

When letting go causes loss and grief, God is the foundation that holds us together.

Our lives have purpose and potential even when we don’t see what’s next.

God is always with us loving, preparing and building into us even when loss seems to pull us away from being found.


Take a few minutes and read Luke 15. In this chapter you will find three parables of the lost being found. Each time God rejoices over one more sheep returning to the fold. There is a beautiful sense of hope that being lost is not permanent. God is there to help us find the way even if it looks different than anything we imagined.

I am walking into a new beginning laced with the hope and love of God. May we all find ourselves in the purpose and plan God has created for each of us.

Blessed to be found in Jesus!

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***As a side note, I FOUND some happiness today right here in this beautiful book by Jennifer Dukes Lee. The Happiness Dare launches into the world today. Come buy your own copy. You will be so glad you did! Click here to get your copy!

happiness launch

Linking up with these beautiful ladies!




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