The shortest month has a way of feeling like the longest. The twenty-eight days of February have a way of wrapping their beginnings and endings around me. The long and the short are just that- long and short, but have you thought about the possibiities each day might bring? February is my favorite. From my birthday at the beginning to the hope of Spring that enters as we near the end, each day is a promise of more to come.

My favorite thing to do is to look at a month of days and remember what I am learning, loving, and leaning into. Keep reading for a look at February.

February around here is gray and cloud-covered most days. But on the days the sun appears, the blue skies highlight the golden beauty. So loving February’s weather is not always easy, but rejoicing on the sunshiny days is a breeze.

I am also loving …

The hint of Spring. Sunshine shows up a little more often and temperatures are not quite so severe.

Books! Here are a few that I hope catch your interest.

Becoming Mrs. Lewis: The Improbable Love Story of Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis by Patti Callahan. I am in the process of reading this novel and find the storyline intriguing and one that raises some questions about the friendship and evolving relationship between C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman. You can join an online book club over at Linda Stoll’s place to discuss this book. Here is the first week’s book discussion.

More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times by Betsy de Cruz. Today this practical and insightful book releases on Amazon. Betsy is a woman who understands the challenge of setting aside time to spend with God each day. As a woman who has lived the struggles of busyness, raising kids, and just everyday life, she provides a perfect companion for women to begin their own daily walk with God. 

Betsy affirms each busy woman seeking God with these words:

But we can breathe easier because God isn’t looking for perfect church ladies. He’s looking for women who will seek Him despite themselves, women who will return to Him a thousand times when they’ve drifted away. He’s looking for women who will decide that today is the day to open His Word even if she hasn’t read it in two weeks … God is looking for women who want more of Him. He’s looking for a woman like you.

Click HERE to purchase your own copy of More of God today. It has given me a fresh perspective of creative ways to dive into God’s Word as well as grace to know that somedays I get up and move into busy without the gift of quiet time with God.

I am learning …

How my identity is constantly being shaped and reframed as I experience life. Just when I think I have it figured out, God reminds me He is still in control.

I am in a season of letting God restore what I know about my identity as His child, as well as continue to teach me what a gift it is to be me. I wrote a bit about this part of my journey in Mountaintop Vistas or Valley Floors. The experience is both humbling and renewing.

To aid me in the process of sitting in a posture of receiving, I began reading Michele Cushatt’s book, I Am: A 60 Day Journey to Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is. The book breaks down who we are in daily snippets that feed the soul as well as gently remind us that we are enough. Ms. Cushatt’s words speak and affirm the beautiful identity of being a daughter/son of God.

Finally, I am leaning into …

Restoration, redemption, and God’s story for my life. I have the privilege of watching God working in the lives of my sons. My oldest has walked through a year of big challenges, but has found the redeeming love of God in each one of those struggles.

Nicholas got engaged in February to Alli. He shared part of his story HERE when he wrote a guest post for me. It has been an incredible honor to watch God restore my son’s story for His good. I wish I could adequately describe what it feels like to have a front row seat.

Join me for a look at what I am learning, loving, and leaning into. God's story is always better than we imagine. #februarymusings #TellHisStory Share on X

Final Words

God is a Redeemer. He is a patient Father just waiting for us to take the next step with Him. When our story line becomes blurred, God dares us to bravely turn the page to the next chapter. He delights when we spend time with Him to receive the gifts that a new day brings. Let’s rejoice that God’s story is always better than we could ask or imagine.


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